03 October 2010

why don't humans laugh NATO off the face of the earth?

[click image]


I do NOT understand it. Why do so few question the patent absurdity of the maintenance of this organization? WHAT function does it serve? It broadens the base of slaughters for fascists. Forget what they told you its function was, it CLEARLY isn't that anymore.

love, 99


  1. They do laugh it off, as an ineffective, castrated entity.

    In doing so, they ignore the fact that it's a vehicle for the murderating fucks to drunk drive through out the globe.

    Ironic, ain't it!

  2. No! They're not laughing hard enough. They're not laughing it off the face of the earth. They're just chuckling at the jokes of pig fuckers. Not gonna cut it! It's too ironic to even bear the name anymore!


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