20 November 2010

desperate for news from the home front

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I turn to the wizards of space lizardry for relief....

love, 99


  1. My goofy neighbors cashed in their whole retirement in a panic to prepare for planet x 8 years ago....I havent brought it up since. Dont have the heart.

  2. Hail to yer goofy neighbors... at LEAST the fat cats didn't crash it for them.


  3. Yep if your gonna have your throat slit better to do it yourself??

  4. At least they GOT their retirement cashed in! Too many don't or won't be getting the pensions they have banked on. People may not be getting their Social Security! So, while they're probably in bad shape, at least they got it to use it on something... except... well... How does one prepare for it from there? Are there mountains there? Didn't they at least get some land somewhere cool? Or did they just go nuts buying enough food to last them? In THAT case, it could have been money VERY well spent. Dude, food is going through the roof.

  5. I've been saying for a few years that the PLAN to save the earth is to KILL 90% of us, and it seems that's the only course of action our leaders are capable of understanding well enough to carry it out. I would be HEAVILY in favor of this approach, if they wouldn't make it so agonizing for so many. People FREAK when you mention population control, but not when colored people in distant places or homeless people right here are slaughtered wholesale or starved to death. Nope. That's a big tsk, but, well, carry on... bills to pay, people to see, places to go, and TV. Suggest sterilizing people, and, OMG, yer a frickin' MONSTER. Yer not playing God when yer wiping people off the face of the earth, but you are EVIL INCARNATE if you even THINK about merely insuring that the ratio of births to NATURAL deaths on Earth is altered sufficiently drastically enough to achieve the goal.

    All of this because people will not zoom out to LOOK at actuality as it IS... heads too full of conditioning and completely nonsensical ideas... none of which seem to arc toward creating wonderfulness with each other instead of this SHIT.


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