Story of my life.
Chinese vase fetches record $69 million in UK auctionWe're goin' down.
LONDON | Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:07pm EST
(Reuters) - A Chinese vase discovered during a routine house clearance in a London suburb sold for 43 million pounds ($69 million) Thursday, 40 times its estimate and an auction record for any work of art from Asia, the auctioneer that sold it said.
"It's a world record for a piece of Asian art," Helen Porter of West London auction house Bainbridges told Reuters.
"It's part of the end of Asian Art week, so there were a lot (of buyers) over for that and the room was absolutely full of Chinese people bidding against each other," she added.
The hammer price did not include 20 percent in fees and taxes.
"It (the bidding) went on for half an hour. We don't know exactly who the buyer is. I believe they're buying on behalf of someone, but I believe they're Chinese," she added.
The sale highlights the intense and growing competition among wealthy Chinese buyers for rare pieces of their heritage, and anything associated with imperial China appears to be particularly attractive.
According to the auctioneer, the vase dates from the 1740s from the Qianlong period, would have resided "no doubt" in the Chinese Royal Palace and was fired in the imperial kilns.
The auctioneer said it was a mystery how the 16-inch high piece ended up in London. Its provenance was described simply as belonging to an English family collection, probably acquired during the 1930s.
"It is a masterpiece," the auction house wrote in its blog before the sale. "If only it could talk!!"
Earlier Thursday, a white jade dragon seal which belonged to the Chinese Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), sold for 2.7 million pounds at auction house Bonhams.
The four centimeter-square seal, which was expected to fetch 1.5-2.0 million pounds, was bought by an unidentified Chinese buyer from Beijing.
In October, auction house Sotheby's sold a Chinese Qing dynasty vase for $32.4 million and their Asian auction series of art, jewelry, wine and watches in Hong Kong raised $400 million.
love, 99
I sometimes wonder if I should try to find out what my pre-columbian art is worth.
ReplyDeletenaaaa, I'll keep it on the shelf. . .
~p @ SucKaMent0
Maybe you can trade it for a meal next year.
ReplyDeleteBesides that million dollar vase sucks. It's butt ugly, and what the **** good is it, it has HOLES IN IT FOR **** SAKE!
ReplyDeleteAt least with my pre-columbian mayan **** if we ever decide to rip a heart out and pour the blood in something, were ready for it.
For the record, My favorite is Cloisonne.
99 said, "Maybe you can trade it for a meal next year."
ReplyDeleteYa never know eh...
Mine has three jaguars on it. MALE jaguars, you can tell by their penis's. I'd take a picture, but man what a hassle right now... Maybe another day I will share at show and tell. ~p
ReplyDeleteI'd probably sell my sheets and sheets of gold memory chips first. From back in the days when I would strip circuit boards with a propane torch.
ReplyDelete~p @ 10z sack = 100 fine mento
Ya know maybe I should take a photo....
ReplyDeleteTake a good one so I can blow it up nice and post it... and, yep, that penis thing is a dead giveaway for sure....
ReplyDeletehttp://sacxtra.com/image/PRECOL.JPG is it real or is it mud from a Guatemalan backyard? ~p
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's real. Looks darn POST-Columbian to me... but maybe they were as pervy as we are now clear back then.
ReplyDeleteI thought you were talkin' something along THESE lines.
ReplyDeleteWell it probably bought the person who sold it to me a meal. That photo looks like crap anyway...
ReplyDeleteI also have a bunch of small pieces, but that one is the biggest I have
In the end only a true test will tell. Cause some fake stuff looks just like real stuff. Anyway it was acquired in the 70's before all the laws which tend to wreck Your day.. ~p
Welp those are museum pieces. Mine was "dug up on private land near Guatemala" they didn't come from a "tomb in Tikal."
ReplyDeleteBut then again there's pyramids buried in jungle all over the place down there!
Feeling REAL in your hand doesn't count?
So it could be some post-Columbian who preferred to bury the evidence of his perviness, or it could be pre-pre-Columbian perviness... but if you are certain of the provenance, you should find someone who can tell you for sure. You'll want that information badly when the chips are down.
ReplyDeleteHere's some more....
Your talking Stella class museum pieces. Mine wouldn't have come from a inter-national park. But it is UNIQUE any way you slice it, there is no photo like that on GOOGLE, there's barely a couple tripods.
Hey, look on the bottom left on THIS page!
ReplyDeleteBesides, all I need to is call it "HAUNTED" and then put it on eBay for $90K
ReplyDeleteHERE. Does it rattle? A lot of them had beads in the hollow legs and so would rattle.
ReplyDeleteThree legs but no rattles. The legs are meant to HOLD the WEIGHT of the container in mine. I can tell you this by the way it feels in your hand, it was meant to not tip over.
ReplyDeleteBy the way the cement or whatever that clay is looks very similar, but yet not the same. Mine's more a lighter color, for some reason too much orange is in the quick photo I took. It's more brownish Grey with Black spots. Maybe someone had a small fire under mine? lol
ReplyDeleteI don't know how they fired their stuff, but I think mostly they made pits of hot coals and covered 'em with rocks, so the burning could have been from the making. Mighta been a dud because it was burnt and they got their PROPORTIONS seriously out of whack.
ReplyDeleteActually I have others with holes in the legs, but they aren't a tripod vessel like this one. They're bowls with short stubby legs. And those I think are even HARDER to tell if they are real.
ReplyDeletePS: I ain't even trying to sidetrack you from your business, and I know your busy, but I am just friendly talking. The items I have are real. Not OFFICIALLY validated by some authority, but YOU KNOW when you have something real. I mean this didn't come from target, home depot, payless, mervyns, gottchalks, sears or macys! that much is clear. May a real MAYAN made it FOR Me?
They prolly burned coffee beans.. j/k ;o)
ReplyDeleteIt also might be damaged like the person who sold it to me said. These were damaged. So perhaps they might even be "Repaired"
ReplyDeleteFUck it now I got to take a better picture. Damn you 99 lol...
Lets me get a photo of the "texture" I know I am hell of off topic. But really if you don't follow your dreams your done. Yes I worry about China vs the US printing press. It will lead to water accidents, and many drownings I am sure of it, but I just want to take a breather I guess, as a VETERAN who was treated like shit on veterans day, and since that VASE AUCTION from wiggy in the attick is news for some reason, then why not put my *****ng best up for all to see, MAYBE MINE IS PART OF HISTORY?=
ReplyDeleteIn either event I respect however I am treated here. P!SAC
I THINK MAX IS RIGHT. IF 300 MILLION bought 1 SILVER COIN what is that now in cost? 20 something? It would expose REAL FAST those of whom the corporate media do not speak.
ReplyDeleteAlright Pictyures.. Pictyures. They're commin I hope!! lol
ReplyDeleteGotta dump my DAYLIGHT ONLY digital camera now,.
ReplyDeleteGOt it FORMAT CARD
ReplyDeleteI can't get a good photo till sunlight. eh?
ALL THOSE PICTURES ARE OUTRAGEOUSLY OUT OF FOCUS! It isn't just the lighting. You need glasses or to be a little less loopy. The first one showed more. You should get it on a white background and take IN FOCUS shots from different angles.
ReplyDeleteAfter you've gone to bed and gotten some sleep.
I'm pau. Did a LOT of work today and tonight.
I can nvr slp 1 hr. hope next year is better
ReplyDeleteI can't hold the *****ng camera still, old man syndrome ~p
ReplyDeletehttp://sacxtra.com/whatisit/PICT0015.JPG looks like e's a pee-in eh?
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that China has to buy back the art that was stolen in the 1st place. Oh well getting light outside time to go to work.