09 November 2010

i'm sick of obama's ugly mug on my blog

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But my big question here is: How does this differ from the Dubya Administration? I'm trying to think. I might be able to give GP Yoo higher marks for patience and smoothness and innovation. Dub's gang totally flunked those. But these qualities are all being put in the service of a fascist police state, so these marks are SO nothing to brag about.

Dubya told Oprah he's proud he didn't sell his soul for the sake of popularity. GP Yoo very clearly did. Of course, Dub didn't have to because his father did it for him, but, still, he can be proud of that... being him....


Plus, did you ever think we could have a worse Department of Justice than Dubya's? No? Well, we sure managed it lickety split, and if you go so far as to listen to the NPR report, keep a puke bag or well-lined waste basket handy. You're going to need it. When did we get a statute of limitations on TORTURE?

love, 99


  1. So. You might think, hmmmm, the right wing bitching about the communist administration may not be completely off the mark, right?

    That's EXACTLY the kinda shit we were taught went on in communist countries!

  2. It is shameful how easily the masses are manipulated. I'm embarrassed for my species.

  3. Oh, sheesh, me too. Embarrassed, at least. The ENTIRE cosmos is out there seeing this shit. We're all naked and warty to the max.


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