28 November 2010

i've lost my glasses again

[click image]


And this is no kind of mood for a trip to the grocery store.


Ha! No wonder I couldn't find 'em....

I'm sorry to subject you to all these awful images in a row, but my friend Billy, who LOVES to drive me batshittier crazy, for drill and with hardly ever any letup, goes berserk when I post them, and, well, I feel like riling him back today. Sorry.

Pardon me while I go off to see if batting my eyelashes at the grocery store manager will do any good.

love, 99


  1. While you've had some interesting art and photos in 2010, I nominate this one for the funniest photo of 2010.

    Maybe only slightly more funny after I got done with it.


  2. Aaaaaaaahahahahahahaha! LOL

  3. It pretty much rocks, that's for sure. My goose is right here looking smug.


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