23 December 2010

new theory on why mister north has stifled himself on the matter of my tub

[click image]


He's joined the financial elite and wishes to forget his radical past.


In case of insomnia, an old movie involving Canadians....

love, 99


  1. Mister North has been working night shift since Nov.7, he finds it hard to be clever without the required amount of sleep :p.

    There were a few times that I thought I had something to say, but in a slow blink of an eye, they were lost :P

    You'll get your tub sooner or later, just not sure which yet:p

  2. Sleeping during the day has its satisfactions... and its frustrations... but you don't need to be clever.

  3. but you don't need to be clever.

    Well no, I do, or I wouldn't be me :p

    Just to let you know how night shift screws me up, today is a day off for me, woke up at 7:30 and didn't know if it was AM. or PM. :(

  4. Seems it might be better for you to go to sleep at 7:30 in the morning, even on your days off. You might be better off backwards like me. I hope, though, that this is a temporary rotation because you sure don't sound happy about it.


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