11 January 2011

some things make me homesick

[click image]


If you had any idea how many times I've driven this road—fast—I mean really fast—I think you would be amazed I'm talking to you right now. It was pretty hip to use this particular band for this clip too. They were homies. I dated the drummer.

love, 99


  1. I used to drive it fast too...

    Until I found the car...

    Bottom of the cliff, smashed into a little ball by the surf, bumper and other pieces wedged into the cliff-side.

  2. Well known, believe it or not, for my lightning fast reflexes, it didn't even begin to dawn on me the hazards of speeding until I was about 50. Now, of course, I feel like a complete asshole, but I actually avoided way more death and destruction than people can even believe in my driving history. This might be evidence of my alien origins....


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