My tulips are blowing my mind. They almost never bloom because someone, whenever, planted them where they just don't get enough sun, but when they do, it's underwhelming. Seriously. There's only four of them, and they wanly try to shoot up at least a leaf every year, but this year they, all four, have shot up all their leaves and all four have bright red blossoms on them. The forget-me-nots near them are also a darker blue. I'd be singing odes to my compost right now, except compost didn't interest them before and this year there is lots of nice, benign, radiation urging them to new heights.
I'd like you to contemplate that these numbers they set to call "safe levels" are NOT safe. They are merely the levels below which there is no data to prove its malignancy. This is a crucial distinction, and everyone trying to sooth your fears about this matter is deciding for you that it's best not to ALARM you. Alarm has its good points, especially if you are not a pinhead. Yes, yes, it has been established that the United States does have the highest pinhead to average adult ratio on Earth and in history, but shielding you from information that can be crucial to your health ONLY perpetuates that.
love, 99
To much sun is not safe. I'm sure that the Aemerikan press is just doing what it's told by it corp masters.
ReplyDeleteYep flowers are good, mine are just poking up from the ground. Veggies are to be planted on thursday
Do you have a geiger counter? :o[
ReplyDeleteBeware if they start glowing in the dark.
ReplyDeleteOh, yipes! Maybe I should go out and LOOK!
ReplyDeleteMy theory is the full spectrum dominance of DHS has infested the epa, and iaea or whatever the fuck the acronym for the powers that be have. This would explain why they do not release the numbers in meaningful day to day working human readable format.
ReplyDeleteA second problem has also worked it's way into my feeble little mind, and that is if we have all these new radiation detectors all around the US for DHS, and suddenly they all detect radiation, then the whole DHS radiation detection system is pointless and now a fraud. After all how could you tell the difference of someone driving down the road with nukes from fallout radiation? They most certainly would have to re-calibrate to the new normal, if that's even possible. This also might explain the secrecy, and the lack of meaningful human readable numbers for the general public.
While I have no idea about your tulips, I did use a pond pump to divert rain water at home here, and after the rain stopped, I went out and dis-assembled the pump to stow it away, the very last thing I did, was take my index finger and wipe across the screen to get the dirt off. Then I came back in to read about how radiation was detected in the rainwater. For joy, I just cleaned off the worst of the worst, where ALL the rainwater just went through.
I tell you it makes me not even want to do a garden this year.
Beware if your index finger starts glowing in the dark!