I keep hoping he'll take his idiot eyeprints off my blog, and sometimes feel the drunk old pervy janitor has maybe worn himself out, but no such luck. Seems he's suffered an urge to communicate here. I was just going to ignore it, hoping it was simply a momentary blast of ennui, but it seems it isn't momentary, and, believe me, it gets worse, much, much worse. I don't want him to work his way into dropping his turds on you here. So I deleted his comments. If he keeps it up, I will mark them as spam.
No. Seriously. The guy trolls the tubes, looking for what to pretend comes out of his own [pin] head. He loves to impersonate a legal professional, by use of crap he's picked up from legal sites, and almost unerringly completely misconstrues. This becomes pernicious as hell in the halls of groupthink, because the general public is generally ignorant enough about legal matters to believe him. There are actually quite a few who do similarly with any profession you want to pick. I've been darn dejected about the number of them suddenly becoming nuclear physicists, and Dragg is probably working feverishly on that now, too, this very moment, as we speak.
Suffer his blather long enough and you find out he's an expert in an astonishing number of fields. Suffer his blather even longer and you find out he's a drunk old creep just clever enough to find those bits to lethally misconstrue... Moe in a retirement home.
He's probably been banned from the legal blogs. I can't imagine any attorneys putting up with him for long, unless they have a cruel streak and enjoy fucking with him. Whatever. I just know he's got a really bad personality disorder, or two, or ten, a substance abuse problem, one of the most pathetic egos I've ever encountered, and I'd feel darn sorry for him if he didn't persist in spreading his hatred to everyone else he can reach. That is the part that evaporates my compassion.
So, please, if you run across a comment from him here, don't bother to respond, because I will be marking it as spam and returning to suffering his plagiaristic eyeprints in silence. Thank you.
love, 99
ReplyDeleteYou gots lots o' dots! (red)
Mostly liquid....
ReplyDeleteHey - it did it to me again, my first comment disappeared!
ReplyDeleteWhat first comment? "Sheesh" is there, big as heck.
ReplyDeleteLMAO was the first!
ReplyDeleteI even saw it appear
ReplyDeleteWell, you musta L'd yer A right O into the boneyard of cyberspace because it didn't stick anywhere around here. I checked. You might have done it in the wrong tab, though... maybe you want to make sure you didn't LYAO on another blog! ;o]
ReplyDeleteOh God, not...