But that is not a good basis for judging her as a leader. Still, I can't shake my washing machine mentation as the interests of truth and propaganda compete in every goddam news account I see. I'm heavily in agreement with anti-nukes people everywhere, and always, but I also can't seem to get a fix on Merkel in the scheme of things. At least half the time she seems to be doing the right thing... like yanking all German forces from the Libya war... and, whether it was just political acumen or a genuine rethinking of policy, taking German reactors off line. So I'm ambivalent as heck about this. I'm not ambivalent about al Jazeera becoming as useless to us and as useful to the PTB as any in mainstream media, though. So, consider me still sloshing around in the soap.
love, 99
Oh, me too. Me too, but his thugs might've offed her for it on the spot.