I was able to drill through the crap to get us that link.
By measuring the energy of the gamma rays from the filters, [people at University of Washington] have identified exactly which fission products have made their way across the Pacific. And this in turn allows them to make a number of interesting inferences about what has gone wrong at Fukushima. Today, they post the results of the first five days of monitoring on the arXiv.
What they found was small amounts of iodine-131, iodine-132, tellurium-132, iodine-133, cesium-134 and cesium 137.
The first comes from the amount of iodine-131 and tellurium-132 which are both short-lived with half lives of 8 and 3 days respectively. That indicates that they must have come from fuel rods that were recently active rather than from spent fuel.
[T]hese guys speculate that what they're seeing is the result of contaminated steam being released into the atmosphere.
I recommend you go to the image link and battle it out for yourself, since the assurances of radiation levels being well below what the EPA deems alarming has always been highly suspect, and is about to reach critical mass..
At length, we have come to the point where there is some indication of the claptrap Secretary Chu was on about at least a week ago, and seemed psychedelic at the time. This might mean No. 2, the unit that appears, from the outside, to be in the best shape, had already melted down when he was talking about it and we just didn't get to hear about it for all these days, OR, and you MUST consider this, it's an attempt at misdirection, a bid to get us to take our eyes off their sacred MOX in No. 3, which is now so mangled that it no longer resembles a former building.
love, 99
it's an attempt at misdirection, a bid to get us to take our eyes off their sacred MOX in No. 3
ReplyDeleteThat's my impression. As you say #2 seems to be in reasonably good condition whereas #3 is all but completely destroyed!
I can't shake it. There is no way to tell for sure, of course, but the only building with a possibility of its spent fuel pond still being in place and nothing so bent out as to suggest any monster enough shifts to crack the core containment, AND NO SIGN BUT STEAM THAT THERE'S ANYTHING HOT GOING ON IN NO. 2, really, really makes me lean toward this being a cover story for No. 3. I shoulda posted the close-up of the mangled and melted mess at 3 last night. It's gone today.
ReplyDeleteThey don't want the world screaming for them to nix the MOX. They're sociopaths. They're SPACE LIZARDS. They should be shot off world with their fucking plutonium.
I'm figuring it is going to take our crew 2-1/2 weeks to replace and re-pipe this equipment.
ReplyDeleteHow long will it take to rework #3 - Fuck, give me a break!
There is just NO way they can rework #3. If the leading lights of Out There are right, MAYBE somebody will use the unradiating technology on it, but failing that, every minute they waste not burying it in boron and cement is mass murder.
ReplyDeleteThe one I had was from three days ago. Totally mangled steel beams... MELTED, not broken... in an impenetrable heap with steam rising out of it.
ReplyDeleteI searched for nearly a half hour to find a better picture of #3 - the only ones which would really show what was going on were so small or distant that they were useless.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I had to go back about ten pages in the newswire stuff to find it to begin with, and it was too small, and now it's been even more days and so one would have to go back through at least twenty pages, probably more, to find it. It wasn't of the entire ex-building. It was a close-up of the area around a hole with steam coming out. The steel, or whatever fancy metal it was built with, was all melted and mangled like tangled wire. Beams shaped like hieroglyphs, sticking out and dropping in from every direction, plus an area that looked to be melted solid, but maybe had been a floor or something in its last life.
ReplyDeleteIt's conceivable they could go in with giant equipment and pluck all the rubble off the reactor, but I don't think there's any reactor down there. I'm not sure how far below ground those reactors went or I'd state unequivocally that its GONE. I know for certain the cooling pond is gone. I know THAT much from looking, and I don't think I could believe ANYONE, ever, who told me the core containment didn't at least have a bad crack in it.
That study at U of W showed the radiation was coming from primary fuel, reactor core fuel, NOT spent fuel. There's our sign.