Apparently becoming de rigueur on all news reports. The news is bad enough, but there seems always to be a direct link to the market specs on any company mentioned in any news item for the convenience of the ASSHOLES who care about that crap. This is fascism.
And, odd, ain't it, that they are taking this long to report, or even speculate, on what caused a hole to be ripped in the fuselage of a 737? I mean, isn't that their favorite thing to hype to the hilt? Or are they going for understatement now that hype seems to be failing? We do become paranoid when they're quiet about things nowadays.
Nah. They just want to be sure it's not a design flaw before they let speculators go batshit crazy dumping their stocks.
love, 99
My first thought was a meteorite.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. same thing happened a couple years ago. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aAUNtGvAnEOI
ReplyDeleteMy first thought was space wars... it being my day to blitz on my doctoral work'n all... but excellent sleuthing there. Did you find it via the stock symbol included for your convenience in the article? Will Boeing tank like TEPCO because of this? WOULDN'T IT BE BETTER TO JUST BUILD BETTER PLANES AND TO FUCK WITH COST?
ReplyDeleteNo Boeing stock shouldn't be hurt by this. Investors are still excited about the $35 Billion contract they just got from the Air Force. If the plane wasn't hit by something, odds are the problem was due to improper inspection and/or maintenance on the part of the operator.
ReplyDeleteDid you just now discover stock symbol links in news stories? It's been quite common at many news sites for years.
It is being attributed to a portion of the sheet metal fuselage which had numerous cracks. It was in a location where it is hidden from view during normal visual inspections. It requires a tear down of the aircraft to be visible - a more thorough and less frequent procedure.
ReplyDeleteOUD, I've been ignoring them, thinking I just managed to click-in to a page where that's a factor, but lately finding I want to delete them from my snippets, and it finally came to full consciousness that not only has the old stock page from way back in the paper turned into whole in-depth departments, but it's bled into every aspect of news reporting... at least on any of the wire services... which means almost every MSM piece online.
ReplyDeleteIt's fucking macabre!
BB2, yuh, my point seems to be that they should decommission these suckers long before they ever do. Not only has the maintenance of the planes gone waaaaay down, but they're making them fly waaaay longer with less maintenance and shoddier safety testing.
They ARE trying to kill as many of us as possible. IT'S COST EFFECTIVE.