17 July 2010

i think i need to recommend itunes to you

[click image]


Yes, probably everyone who could be convinced to get it already has it, but... just in case... you should get it. There are a bunch of free radio stations on there, in addition to the universe of free podcasts, and it is possible to go to the radio, look under "ambient" and find some SERIOUSLY relaxing noise. This could be the cure for nervous breakdowns. Ever since I ran up against that cataclysmic food poisoning, on top of all the psychic scattering that always happens to me when running around in anything over about a hunnert-mile radius, on top of all the spiritual outrage from the short visit to the parental orbit, on top of all the heartbreak of seeing what a mess they've made of my home, my home home, my heart home... just leaving out the dog hassles and the stuff springing out at me from cabinets and drawers... all that grand confusion that is the substance of life at my friends' house... all while our country and our planet are burning down around my ears... I HAVE BEEN NEEDING TO CHILL. I was doing it anyway, by myself, going to the source, but, dammit, having this stuff on low in the background all day and night has really been VERY helpful.

I know for positive I'm not the only one around who needs all the help she can get. In fact, despite how much help I so indisputably need, I need help so much less than so many others. So. If you've been putting it off, or think it's only for Macs, or whutever has kept you from downloading iTunes, get over it, and do it. It's free. There's some help there.



  1. I'm not much for recorded ambience, but itunes radio has KFAT, which alone makes it worth the download.

  2. Whoever it was ought to MARRY me.

    Probably discovered the mystical properties of chocolate and how best to bring them out... will turn swiftly into the richest person/s on earth for having the GOOD SENSE to buy THE only comfort left to humanity.....

    Or... they had it mixed up with coca.... :o)

  3. Well, he's no beauty, and he's only 50, but... it IS chocolate we're talkin' here... so... I guess I will stand by my words.

  4. Oh, well, and the ambient downbeat chill stuff might only work for FRAZZLED freaks. For those already too dulled-out it might require KFAT for sure. HOW did they get KFAT? I thought almost all of it was lost????? Or did KFAT kick back in when netcasting became the rage?

  5. They play tapes of the old broadcasts. It's like an audio time machine.

    The chocolate guy is a hedge fund bankster. Not good husgand material for a real person.

  6. Yuh. But maybe with enough chocolate in me I could turn him into a true human, send him in to take down the rest of those miserable fucks.....

    Or. Not.

    I don't like to think of nasty people in control of so much chocolate. That REALLY doesn't seem right.

  7. "nasty people in control of so much chocolate"

    Yes, that sucks. I hope for a bumper crop and big drop in price.

  8. Let's go start a cocoa farm. We can just get me an air conditioned jumpsuit and live happily ever after... in tropical oblivion... with chocolate enough to last us till the end of time... which... actually... isn't very far off....

  9. Hey, come to Sacto - State fair running now...


  10. Who? You? Trying to eat a chocolate bar in that HEAT? :o)

  11. LOL

    Chocolate bars won't make it more than ten feet from the door of the store around here before they are dripping from one's elbow!

  12. I just added that link in my "health" bookmarks folder. A vegan is coming to stay here for a couple days this week so she can hit on the wealthy widower down the drive. Not three months after her husband died. Maybe I can get an order of it FedEx'd here fast enough to freak her out....

    And, no, I don't want him. He's a fucking wuss and prissy and only competent at his garden and pretending he's got cultcher. He's SCARED TO DEATH OF ME. I make him stammer.


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