10 July 2010


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He's the best... and so was she....



UPDATE: Just got to catch the last few minutes of Bringing Up Baby thanks to my senile old friend not telling me it was on... though, obviously, I was feeling it on the airwaves... AND... Mr. North, now Arsenic and Old Lace is on. I managed to make the huge screen tv work... so... guess what I'm doing... no commercials... PBS... well not IN the movie anyway.



  1. Now there's a coincidence. I'm watching Bringing up Baby on channel 9.

  2. Jeezuss! That's my favorite movie and there are THREE tvs here!

  3. I think of you as a non-tv watcher, so it didn't cross my mind. It's on line though; you can watch whenever you want.

  4. Put a rug over it!


    Comcast slow this morning. The picture loaded very slowly, rolling down from the top edge. By the time it had reached halfway down the curl above her forehead I knew it was her!

    Her and Spencer Tracy - Greatest!

  5. I watched Cavett being interviewed by Charlie Rose and Katharine Hepburn was the first person he mentioned.

    That line was transcendentally funny.

  6. Blogger not being nice this morning - screwing up code and not allowing preview - leaves page and dumps edits to go to preview. Have to save to draft, then go to draft, then tell it is OK to leave page to go to preview, then what you entered is not necessarily what you get!

    I gave up trying to change font color for one sentence and just stripped the code out, let it go to default - it kept changing the code to only color the two words which already had code for Italic and Bold.

  7. It must be the beta designer features. OR you should strip out, uninstall, your browser and start over again from scratch to make sure you don't have something corrupted in there causing you ALL these horrific problems with comments and blog posting.


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