14 July 2007

finally mustered the moxie

...to watch the travesty that was Sara Taylor's "testimony" before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And if you could do similarly, we would then be able to proceed directly to Washington with our pitchforks and torches. I'm certain of it. There has to be a needle that breaks this camel's back. If watching this bitch tell the Senate that she couldn't break her oath to the President wouldn't be enough, what would? I shit you not. "Oath to the President" is what she said, with a straight face, and given a lengthy pause in which to correct herself. The Senators had to do it for her. No, bimbo, you took an oath to the Constitution. It's not as though she were some typist with lots of supervision. She was the White House Political Director, and Rove's right hand, intimately involved in what they want us to call "running the country". I'd earlier watched with muffled horror the dearth of Harriet Miers for her testimony before the House Judiciary, and even with Mel Watt (D - North Carolina) coming right out and calling * a liar and saying at last a lot of other things so long overdue, they too want us to call that "running the country". Not even. Okay? Not even.

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