UPDATE: Pfeh, late upgrade at the AP.
UPDATE: Oh, here, now, much better.
This came out not an hour ago, and you have to read it carefully to see there is news of more lying us into Iraq nested into incendiary statements against Iran. I don't think I've had enough coffee. Help me out here! Serious now, seriously, check it out and tell me what work that headline is doing.
Oh, oh, oh, right! They helped us against the Taliban so they could send assassins through tunnels to kill us! Those shifty Persians! Is this the most twisted limited hangout you ever saw? Yes! No? Are you mad!? Maybe I should go get a quintuple latté and then think about this shit... or... well... how did we go from supposedly too few spy agencies to too many and so psychotically too psychotic spy agencies in so short a time?
Am I in a coma somewhere?
Making matters worse, look what TIME had to say three hours ago.
Emerging from my movie gig last night, I had to fight off a huge influx of Obama smears and their attendant agonies of social and civil deplorability, and now I come back again to find this shit! Maybe I should give up the wealthy old gentleman idea and start looking for a nice rest home.
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