08 January 2009

in my non-stretch tens

I've lost fifteen pounds in a month. I was still able to zip my stretchy twelves at Thanksgiving, but, really, barely. So, I, as you know, snapped. I just now went to my tens pile, and was going to go for the stretchy ones, when courage overflowed me and I grabbed the not-stretchy Lees that do not only not stretch but have shrunk. They are on my sorry old butt this very minute. Zipping them was not unduly difficult and sitting in them is, kablammy kaaaazaaaaaart, completely doable. I'm not stopping until I'm back down in my eights pile... but if I get back down in my sixes pile, that won't be the end of the world either. I'll look like an incredibly chic shriveled and baggy old babe....

I know you've been dying out there for this update.

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