08 January 2009

perhaps this will work out well

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This gas gig between Russia and Ukraine has been bubbling for quite a while, and since Gazprom had clearly been negotiating in good faith with Ukraine for so long, I couldn't condemn the shutoff... given that Ukraine has been making fairly hostile toward Russia in the past few years. Sorta like Dad cutting off yer credit card privileges when you are out partying with your drug dealer friends. That's just how it seems to me, even as I don't want energy to cost a penny from anyone, shithead or darling alike, and don't want people freezing in their homes either. Since money is making this world go 'round [the bend], Russia has been way more than just patient and reasonable, against shitty treatment and they were right to get the point made at last.

Somewhere this morning I ran across something from some maniac who went on at stultifying length about how the U.S. is involved in this stupid stalemate in order to get E.U. more interested in our pipeline through Afghanistan. He postulated that they would come help us police it so it can be built. Yish. WTF does he think we've been doing the last seven years? Killing Taliban? Pfeh. Clearly not. We don't need no fucking around in the Ukraine to get our pipeline. We needed 9/11. Check.

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