06 January 2009

the most perfect election

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Why not listen to President Carter with me now? Lecture and Q&A....

I got this from the incomparable Ann El Khoury, who seems to be back in bidnis.

[Goddammit! This made me cry. Israel doesn't want peace. They want PALESTINE and they will screw up every single attempt at justice and peace so as to keep exterminating those who stand in their way, like a long, vicious, insatiable worm with hideously sharp teeth. I swear, if you listen to this, you almost get the feeling that they decided to go on the present extermination campaign just to spite Carter and thwart the real progress his work, and patience, and bottomless decency in this apocalyptic mess promise. I'm not fit for polite company. If I hear one person backing Israel, I will knock their block off before they know what hit them.]

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