06 January 2009

the status of some ninety-niners

[click proof that Sam is really in Rwanda image]

Alan has been nominated for Best Video Blog once again. We gotta make a concerted effort to get his ass elected. Every day for the next week, please click over to vote for him by your thousands and thousands. He IS Alan the Rove Slayer, after all, probably the most deserving of an award of anyone nominated in history. No shit. Check out the video of him with Rove at the top of his blog. Blow your mind.

Brad Not-the-World's-Greatest-Ninety-Niner Friedman has been nominated for Best Liberal Blog, because of his superior moderator, and despite having lumped us in with mere "liberals", and we're getting our butts kicked by TruthDig. You might consider helping us lose a little less ignominiously, as long as you're about it.

You can vote once a day in each category, so I will put the links at the top of my sidebar links for your convenience.

Homie is still of galavanting in the tropics.

Hilly has gone screaming naked temporarily off the tubes.

Ann as I have said is, wonderfully, back in Blogistan.

Old Uncle Dave is limping along.

Curt has risen from his own ashes.

Jaliya is cooking on all her cylinders.

Agent BB2 has been semi-with it while under the heavy burden of extremely persnickety clients.

Xoites and company seem to have lost their mojo, pending, I guess, some move or non-move by the 111th. The issue is NOT dead. Just hibernating.

Big Dan is still ablaze, never not ablaze, bless him.

Pedestrian has returned to a shock.

Smoke is in the groove.

Phil is cursing under a huge wad of tangled electronic gizmos.

Monte just keeps generating beautiful and positive things in between alerting us to the awful things that need our attention.

I can't say much about my faithful little band of lurkers because, of course, they lurk... one of them is probably my wealthy socialist gentleman working up the courage to ask me to run away with him.

And the rest of you don't have anything I can link to, but you seem to be muddling through okay....

Anyway, some voting and some visiting will be good to keep you from losing your cookies over this fucked-up world... though, honestly, I think it's high time we all went right 'round the bend on these fuckers, come completely untrained, FIX this fucked-up world and their fucked-up hides. If you have listened to Jimmy speaking so tragically close before the murderating fucks started in exterminating the people of Gaza, maybe you will get a renewed sense of just how far past the right time it is for us to do this.

No, really. There is at least one silverback left in Rwanda. It's 11:59, for sure, but try revolution, try revolution. Try revolution, won't you?

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