30 March 2009

don't try this at home

[click image]

I saw this the other day and have not gotten over it. One tries hard to discern the consciousness, but either can't or can and can't express it. Evidently, people do this in public.


  1. Ok, so everyone at the site that is commenting must be gay and have no taste whatsoever (which is atypical) but...thats unforgivable really..

  2. My sentiments exactly! It's just too weird/creepy to me. What planet are these people from? That outfit is unforgivable and so are the comments on it, for the most part. It's even worse because the man in that get-up seems somehow destined for a vastly more understated look. I can't believe it stuck with me, which is why I posted it, but I think I'm coming down on the side of this being some long-suffering friend of a drag queen who consented to playing dress-ups for this website. Even so! Unforgivable is precisely the word!


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