
Danny was speculating yesterday that Lou Dobbs may be senile.
Well, according to this link someone just sent me Lou Dobbs may be one of the precious few sane people left in America, and the loss of him on the boob tube is indeed a blow. I didn't read the comments at the link, except I saw the first one and it doesn't bode well. This was from back in March... when the signals were very strong... but not strong enough for the hypnotized....
It's plain as the nose on your face now. Do you see it yet?
I don't know if his mind is going or what, but Dobbs has been taking a walk on the weird side for a while now. He became on of those birthers, calling for Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Hell, he even attacked St Patrick's Day. Good riddance, afaic.
ReplyDeleteI attack St Paddy's day all the time!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd... completely objectively... what would be wrong with producing, if one existed, of a "long form" birth certificate? I've heard that Hawaii doesn't show those to the public... but I never found out if they don't show them because they don't have them or keep them... or if it's just some privacy gig.
Dobbs show, I think, was the very one that reported the newspapers of the day announcing his birth, so maybe Lou's point was why not produce the fucking document and have done with it???
And, in any case, people conflate these stances on things they call whacky, or worse, with him being out to lunch about fascist America? Is that right?
Insofar as he was a force to help move people to action against what they think is unjust, illegal, corrupt, whatever, I think it is a loss. People who will get up off their asses to fight for right, even if they're wrong, are good people. Whatever else you can say about him, I don't think you can accuse him of reading a daily talking points memo and trying to ram it down our throats. I wish him well.
Dobbs' first post-departure interview is Monday with Bill O'Reilley. Watch it and see if your opinion of Dobbs changes.
ReplyDeleteWell, no, THAT he's going first, or second or ever, to O'Loofah I find disgusting, personally, but he has or had the courage to pitch a fit about ELECTION fraud, and about some other box office poison issues that really ARE poison to the average American, so he's earned some respect. He also appears to me to always try talking about things from the POV of regular people, tries to couch stuff in terms understandable even to the not so bright, which is bodhisattva territory, so I think his intention is truly to use his position for the benefit of everyone. He may not be good enough at it, may be too deluded to really pull it off, but it seems to me he has really been trying. Add to that the fact that everything I've caught liberals screaming about, even Amy Goodman, to him or about him, is bogus... and, well, the instant example is one of them... and I gotta feel that until he just starts doing the TPM, he's a force for good, even when the left is melting down about his failures in political correctitude....
ReplyDeleteI said I loved Lou Dobbs. Years ago, he was great. He reported: electronic voting machines, outsourcing America, and the shrinking of the middle class.
ReplyDeleteI really believe something happened to him that was kept quiet, like a stroke or something. I wasn't trying to be funny, when I said he seems to be getting a little senile and a little weird.
He was great, he isn't anymore.
On the issues I stated above, I wish he just kept on those issues. He started doing the birther thing, the illegal immigrants, and getting really weird and crazy lately.
The birther thing was off-the-charts unacceptable. He gave a national CNN forum to absolute KOOKS.
The illegal immigrant issue: I could've even taken that, I do see the point...but I think he went over the edge with it. If he presented it a little more NOT over the edge, I could've taken it.
Yeah, he was seriously good. I was a fan of his. He's just (in my opinion) scary/crazy lately. He looks different from years ago, he looks gaunt, slurs his words sometimes. He's getting really, really old and really, really weird. That doesn't take away the excellent things he's done in the past, though.
All that counts is NOW, though, and he's not good anymore. In my opinion, of course.
I really believe he's a real conservative, along the lines of Alex Jones. Not a Republican, a real conservative. Which I don't mind as much as Republicans. Ron Paul is a real conservative, and I like him. I don't agree with everything he says, but I like him. Same thing with Alex Jones.
ReplyDeleteFunny, he's going on O'Reilly, huh? A flag has been raised...REAL noteworthy his first appearance is on FOX "news".
ReplyDeleteDon't forget: Glenn Beck was going whacko, and then went from CNN to FOX "news". Looks like possibly the same thing?
Funny how all the whackos or future whackos go to FOX "news", REAL funny.
Here's one last point:
ReplyDeleteWhy DID he stop doing the things I liked? Like the electronic voting machines, outsourcing America, and the disappearance of the middle class? WHY did he stop doing that? And start doing birther things and crazy things like that? I can see CNN's point in getting rid of him.
Having Israeli Orly Taitz on, and thing like that.
ReplyDeleteOld Uncle Dave said...
ReplyDeleteI don't know if his mind is going or what, but Dobbs has been taking a walk on the weird side for a while now. He became on of those birthers, calling for Obama's "long form" birth certificate.
There...I agree exactly with Old Uncle Dave.
Before I had a blog, before I discovered Free Speech TV and LINK TV, I abandoned the mainstream ABC, NBC, CBS, and religiously every day watched Lou Dobbs. I didn't even watch the other CNN news, only Lou Dobbs. I know a lot about him, I was a HUGE fan. He slipped more and more right and more and more crazy over a long period of time. He's still right about a lot of things, but they're less and less, and he's crazier and crazier. I really think senility is "just" setting in for Lou Dobbs. That's my opinion, from someone who watched him a lot.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you... both of you... but I happen to know that old age is NOT for wimps. That having a part or a bunch of little parts of your brain go dead on you very seriously fucks with your ability to express yourself to others. You're still you in there, but getting that across to people is supremely difficult.
ReplyDeleteLou Dobbs is a great American and, since he's tried for his whole life to address really important things, since he has been so good in the past, I think that he still has some rational reasoning behind even that really awful birther shit... like I hypothesized above... maybe the bottom line for him is: Why if a bunch of Americans, assholes or not, want to see his birth certificate, Hawaiian regulatory procedures or no, doesn't Obama produce it? He's produced some sort of State notice of live birth or something to that effect, but not the basic birth certificate... the one with your footprint on it, etc. There are good reasons why he shouldn't if it's possible at all, but he doesn't SAY why, and the assholes are in flames about it. The president should not be letting assholes flame out like that if he can help it. He's supposed to be our servant, our head defender of the Constitution and he doesn't get to pick between people who like him and people who hate him.
So, even if Dobbs is going all FOX on us, it may have more to do with the rage he feels inside at being unable to get through to people... sometimes the stroke victim doesn't even realize they are not in fact saying what they think they're saying. That's gotta be triple plus awful to endure... so... clearly enough to anyone who's seen even a little of him over the years, his heart has staunchly been in the right place for a long time, and it probably still is, and as at the image link, he still has moments of transcendent lucidity.
We should encourage everyone not to be assholes about him... not as in disrespectfully pretending to respect an placate a senile old man, but as in respecting someone whose life's work has been dedicated to the welfare of the people, someone who stood up for us... may still be standing up for us even though it's hard for us to catch his wave....
I think he takes attacks on him too personal. Maybe, especially later in his career (now) he's taking attacks too personal. His skin got too thin maybe because of age. He should've let this stuff roll right off his back. He took it too seriously. I think deep down he's a good guy.
ReplyDeleteIf you'll notice, I don't attack him on my site. He's been under attack for a long, long time. The attacks are grassroots attacks, too.
You have to admire, like the teabaggers, how these grassroots groups really got under his skin to the point where he quit.
Yep, it's the same admiration you have for the teabaggers, even if you don't agree with the "dump Dobbs" groups, they were real grassroots groups with lots of people, especially hispanics with the illegal alien thing.
I don't think he attacked Bush enough during the 8 years of the Bush administration, although he did sometimes. Not even CLOSE to enough, though. Not even close. And compared to how he attacks Obama? I don't get it. He went overboard on attacking Obama compared to the 8 years of Bush. I'll bet he attacked Obama MORE already in a year than Bush's 8 years combined. That says something, too. I notice he never speaks out against torture, NO conservatives do, even the good ones like Ron Paul. I've picked up on that, and no one else has: conservatives (even the good ones I like) DO NOT SPEAK OUT AGAINST TORTURE! Alex Jones, too. Actually, now that I think of it, has Paul Craig Roberts spoken out against torture? Here's a better way to look at it: SHOW ME A CONSERVATIVE SPEAKING OUT AGAINST TORTURE!
ReplyDeleteYes. Pity people stumping their little hungry hearts out for the abjection of the American worker could have enough power to take down someone like Dobbs, isn't it? It is.
ReplyDeleteMe and my wife watched Dobbs for years, I remember I convinced her that he was talking about things no one else was, and after a while she said: "Yeah, you're right". I remember that. He wrote a book on outsourcing america. THAT is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, issue causing the downfall of America, and no one but him in the mainstream talked about it. In fact, he had a recurring SERIES on it every day for years. I'm surprised they let him do that.
ReplyDeletePCR definitely HAS spoken out against it, and I find it hard to believe Dobbs hasn't, but don't KNOW. Alex Jones has too. It's a matter of where their focus wants to be, which is up to each, and, I'm sorry but Dobbs spoke out against Bush plenty and if he is in fact complaining more about Obama that could WELL be because Obama is doing what Bush did only stronger, better, faster and more intensely... all under cover of being a "liberal" man of peace. IT'S FUCKING HEINOUS! Worse even than Bush and Fudd... as fantastic as that surely sounds.
ReplyDeleteActually, as fantastic as that surely IS... I should say....