15 November 2009

president of the world, barry poppins, comes out of the closet

[click image]

Now maybe she can go back home to England and try to put her family back together while living out her days cashing in on her laureatude....

I'd be happy about this sudden turn of sense, except that we have always been the junta that was killing her compatriots left and right and keeping her muzzled in her house all these years, and it serves him now to just drop the pretense for a moment, give the order, and not have to worry that the peons will notice anything more than his masterful devotion to peace on earth.

No. Really. He can pull off a coup in Honduras and not catch any flak from anybody, chair U.N. meetings when, ahem, presidents don't DO that, catching but a whimper about it before the whimper drowned in a sea of silence, so, why the hell not just take this safe and vivid opportunity to make himself look sterling? I'll probably be the only person on earth to grouse about it at all.

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