30 November 2009

try to etch out the time to watch today's democracy now!

[click image]

Lots of detail about Amy's detention at the Canadian border, and lots of information about what the WTO is up to, and lots of information about effective protest. This is all stuff we really need to be thinking about. Especially striking to me was the reminder that that huge protest of the WTO in Seattle ten years ago, the one where people stopped everything they were doing and held the WTO conference from meeting for a day, the one where the unions shut down all West Coast ports, that sudden tsunami of people demanding an end to WTO perfidies, had no affect on its objects. It needs to keep inspiring us so we can become many enough to make it stop.

I mean, I really wonder sometimes if people let it sink in just to what extent we are ignored. The best we ever get is lip service... if that... and they unerringly go right on ahead and do what they were going to do all along.

This really has to stop.


  1. Strangly enough, I first caught wind of this on Alex Jones's http://www.prisonplanet.com

    But your absolutely right, voices and protests are spun, ignored, or met with police violence. While the dark corrupt government agenda rolls on, keeping all the pesky unconstitutional details either classified or under some bullshit state secret.

    The obvious future problem is, when enough people have lost everything do these fascist officials and their fascist classified policies, they won't have anything left to lose, and while it will make the world a very dangerous place for officials, the officials will simply label such violence as homegrown terrorism.

    Thus closing the loop in it's finality. Officials created the problems, and by proxy, anger and ultimately violence. Yet at the same time officials make unconstitutional laws to protect themselves from the dirty turds they have cooking on the stove.

    It not only has to stop. It has to be punished. Or ultimately I have to agree with Alex Jones, in that it's population reduction agenda vs people who just want to be left the hell alone, which will eventually pop.

    While it's true the numbers are in favor of the people vs the government, the ability of the people to organize has been destroyed by the government.


  2. (typo corrections)
    The obvious future problem is, when enough people have lost everything "due to" these fascist officials and their fascist classified policies, they won't have anything left to lose, and while it will make the world a very dangerous place for officials, the officials will simply label such violence as homegrown terrorism.

    While it's true the numbers are in favor of the people vs the government, the ability of the people to organize has been destroyed by the government. (via the unconstitutional crap like Patriot Act)



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