10 December 2009

a new form of doodling

[click image]

Mostly I play solitaire while I'm really trying to listen online. I hear better when my hands are busy. I don't know why this is exactly, but I hear the best, absorb the most, when I'm doodling. I always bring paper and pen to lectures. I think it helps me put the concepts into a spatial context... my default setting for optimal functioning. I even turn words into shapes when a string of them don't want to make sense to me... and this will force them to yield up their information.

Well, now I'm starting to fool with image effects while I'm listening to stuff. I had this one that was ridiculously over exposed for an as yet undetermined reason, but went about seeing what I could do about that sort of thing... while trying to pack into my head what reporting I could get on today in Copenhagen, and listening to Pilger getting the Australian Peace Prize instead of Walking Eagle's blather elsewhere. That has been hard to avoid. Anyway, Soros is weighing in now... and nobody seems to have taken the Danish Text thing as hard as I have.

They're all "realists", I guess... who, as usual, do everything but deal with the real. They seem to have left off freaking about this... if they'd started to begin with... even though it's been put forth by pundits that Obama wouldn't be showing up in Copenhagen without this piece of crap text. Maybe that's wrong. I don't know for sure. But I do know that even proposing it is a vivid display of bad faith. I don't know why I can't hear you wailing and rending the cloth of your shirts over this.

Of course, I'm weird.


  1. I dont know if people are ignoring it so much as its what alot of us expected it would be about.


  2. Well, yes, the expecting it part is definitely pernicious because it puts one in that "realist" camp, the one I complain is about as far from realistic as it gets. Political realism has the distinct disadvantage to all living things of being completely contrary to the actual action on reality that is necessary to make EVER things better. All it does is provide the illusion of better... if it ever even does THAT much anymore.


  3. You ever hear about these guys?

    The Koch brothers


  4. Talk about the head of the snake!

  5. I'm not paying much attention to the multi-national circle jerk in Denmark. AFAIC it's just a bunch of self-important apparatchiks on a taxpayer financed vacation, sucking up aquavit while they rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  6. I guess I've just been back at my native idealism or something, because I really thought THIS time we were going to get much closer to approximating serious... that we wouldn't come in with such an obviously heinously bad faith position... even if we ended up with one this bad. It just hit me so hard it scrambled my brains for a good thirty-six hours.

    Pisses me off that no matter how hard-headedly realistic I become, I still manage to have all these air pockets of extremely idealistic notions about humanity jostling my emotional balance so messily when they breach the surface like this.

  7. And I don't mean the kind of "realism" these fuckers talking about "politically feasible" mean. I mean REAL as in ACTUAL.

  8. China just passed the US in auto sales, and they're just getting started. The measures they are debating taking now should have been taken 40 years ago when only hippies cared about "saving the planet." Reducing carbon emissions a little bit or even a lot isn't going to cut it. If half the population of the planet left, the other half might have a chance.

  9. They seem to all be cognizant of the half and half solution, and I think we're all aware of which half will be jettisoned to get that chance.

  10. Fairest way to decide who goes would be an asteroid impact.

  11. They ain't big on "fair"....


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