10 December 2009

then he got elected

[click image]

Yes, then he got elected....


  1. What inspired supporters who pushed him to his historic win was the sense that a genuine outsider was finally breaking into an exclusive club, that walls were being torn down, that things were, for lack of a better or more specific term, changing.

    And it was sugar coated, consumed hook, line and sinker.

    Then he was elected!


  2. !!!!!!!!!


    I can barely stand anymore from the weight of all this "irony"....

    We should be in full revolt, and we so aren't. The best I have heard is that people are starting to wake up to it at last, but the best they can say about it is that it's almost certainly a one-term presidency.

    They don't have to try to bump people off the voting rolls after this. We will drop ourselves off in spectacular numbers.

  3. it's almost certainly a one-term presidency.

    I'm fearful of "What Then".

  4. Whatever it is then will be the same as it is now... only probably not so smoothly packaged. DOESN'T MATTER. It's moot. This is WORSE than Dubya and maybe the next will be worse still or maybe it will be just as bad... doesn't matter anymore... doesn't bear on the problem anymore... because it's ALREADY WAAAAAAAY WORSE THAN IT SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO GET. In fact, it may actually be that worse even than this will be the only thing that finally induces us to STOP them.

  5. I'm fearful of "What Then".

    Well judging from all the bloggers that say they are done with the democrats or the ones that say they are done voting(which makes no sense, why not at least vote for Nader or Kucinich or something). If old flappy ears keeps this shit up we will have one big old fragmented democratic party and of course there is already a serious rift in the Republican party. The crazy stupid sheeple always hang tight and will become the majority. So at this point Im thinkin Palin or Glen Beck...Maybe Rush will throughhis hat into the ring...

  6. Of course then again since odds are no one will do anything about the electronic voting machines and the fact that one company owns most of them etc etc...whoever is pulling the strings will probably put into office whoever the fuck they want.



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