22 January 2010

a happy accident

[click image]

This video really perked me up.


  1. Hmmmm - that astronomical clock looks mighty familiar...

  2. Is Scatman John in Prague?

  3. OK - the first time I played it on my computer, the second time I also patched it to my bedroom stereo and my living room surround sound stereo and turned everything up to 11 and danced through the house!

    Every one is gone so I can do these things, but the dogs are looking at me like WTF?

    Oh shoot - poor Billy the hamster...

    I forgot my daughter has his cage right in front of the speaker...


    Billy, Billy can you hear me?

  4. Shit, BB2! Are his ears bleeding? Are you cuddling and cooing him in his distress? Poor Billy!

    Or, maybe he just learned scat and will be your dancing and DEAF hamster for the rest of his life....

  5. He's running in his wheel at about 75 rpm, his cheeks stuffed with sunflower seeds.

  6. Is that a drop from 100 rpm, or an increase from 50, or business as usual? And have you mopped the blood from his ears????? :-P

  7. No blood, average speed, he still responds to ones voice - all seems normal.

    Hes so funny - he'll totally stuff his cheeks until they are ready to explode then go run on the wheel. He has to lift his head way up high to fin in.


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