06 April 2010

WTF do you think?

[click image]

Fucking OBVIOUS, you liberal SHEEP.

Sorry. Sorry.

[Maybe all is not lost with the Tea Party thing.... Probably, but maybe not....]

Sing it, Naomi!

And, dammit, watch these two videos, PLEASE.


Sorry. Sorry.

Just snap out of it.

[Today's Keiser Report....]


  1. While I feel it is right-on in regards to the early partiers, I'm afraid there are too many nefarious groups jumping on the bandwagon. It has become hard to figure out where the movement stands.

    Stuff like this:


  2. Well, yes, many other groups had the sense to jump in to where the jumble of pissed off Americans started rising up. "Progressives" [fascists-in-denial] on the other hand preferred to ridicule and inflame their ranks against real, honest, AMERICAN dissent. And the Republicans are ALL over this... making sure the banners are spelled right... and so it MAY be too late for us to help direct that energy toward manifesting positively, but PERHAPS they will start shooting on the 19th and open this back up....


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