08 May 2010


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  1. No comment neccesary...only to add...why was this buried in a Friday afternoon news dump. In a word -fuck Obama_...well two words...


  2. I just noticed the Uzi Menorah!

  3. Blue: why was this buried in a Friday afternoon news dump

    Don't you know by now that it is the way it's done? News like that is always buried on a Friday!

  4. Sitting here watching On the Volcanoes of the World.
    Viewing the world's largest lava lake in a volcano in the Congo. I say we round up all those responsible for these travesties and put them in a boat and set them adrift on that lake!

  5. Doesn't matter, BB2. Even with a pristine vote, this can't be fixed. The machines will make it easier for everybody... for them to get who they want and throw out who they want, and for us as long as we continue to insist voting can ever fix this. Brad will make a shitload more money to stay able to go in and proudly continue to have NO effect with his progressive-fascist connections. Grayson will continue to wow the progressives and libertarians with his vivid displays, reminding us how virtuous and intelligent we are, and we can phone it in.

    I'm sure you've noticed that every election across the entire spectrum of fascist-manipulated states has gone to shit over the past few years. There is a reason for that, and we just keep sleeping through it.

    NOW everybody can scream and wail about electronic voting again instead of overthrow the plutocrats.

    THEY DON'T CARE. And neither do the people who gain from our avid concern over atrocities such as this. They get famous on us getting fucked. We get fucked anyway. For however long we won't stand up, we get fucked.

    It's all distraction. It's all a game, a rigged house. Keep yer eyes on what's actual and it ain't elections and it ain't any of this theatrical legislation either.

    Bad guys are in control. We take that from them, or we shut up.


  6. secretive nuclear activities MAY undergo unprecedented scrutiny

    If Obama has this image blown up to life size and framed in the Oval Office, then maybe, but, well, I honestly think they are acutely aware of how pissed off we are and that every opportunity to make it seem as though they are about to FINALLY do the right thing leeches off X number of irate citizens from their negative numbers. Picture it as keeping a pot of water perpetually at one tenth of a degree below boiling. I think this stuff is like the thermostat that keeps us just that nano-notch below mass insurrection.

  7. "may" "might"

    Such fine words, portray one thing, but always leave an out!


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