For those of you reading on a feed, I have to say that either you should not read my posts until they are at least a few hours old, because I post them and then think of other stuff to link in them, or remember what I forgot to link in them to begin with, and update them, and then find glaring omissions of whole clauses that went into crucial sentences. I'm a wreck. Okay? Always have been. Part of this is my practice of learning how to just blurt out the truth, short form, but part of it is about tying things together that you may or may not have thought go together. So, basically, I'm telling you that very frequently yer not getting the whole thing, the gestalt. I don't know if that matters to you. But I feel a need to keep warning you, because your version on your reader does NOT update with the posts. It stays how it was when you clicked on it and if you want the final version, you should click in every so often.
Yesterday, I think it was DGPNorth who linked us here, in comments, to this video of an ex-Marine survivor of the attack on the Mavi Marmara, and no one should miss it.
Today, Blue! links us to this bit about Charlie Rangel comparing Obama to Cheney, which I think rocks, even if people will almost certainly start slinging mud about Rangel's ethics, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, impugning his motives and his statesmanship as a result of it. I take great comfort in the fact that many blacks, many black leaders, have NOT fallen under the spell of Obama's skin color, nor have they fallen for his silver tongue. I knew in my bones when Jesse got caught disparaging him in private that we were in for it, and NOT because I think Jesse is impeccable, but because I know his heart is in the right place.
Agent BB2 brings me the sad news about Helen Thomas, which I'm sure you all know about already, but I didn't because I was thrown into another revery of cleaning up that dazzling-to-me daguerreotype I keep feeling the need to bump back up to the top of my page, and ignoring the intertubes all day so far.
Helen is a hero. Helen is Lebanese. Helen is beautiful. And her words were righteous. You should be teaching your children and grandchildren to be like Helen Thomas, and you should NEVER forget that or be too pusillanimous or PC to make this abundantly clear to anyone you ever see.
Late last night, lafin sent me this link about the bee thing. He'd been trying to tell me all the stuff I'd heard and read about industrial outsized bees was wrong. I don't know if it is or it isn't, but the main point of continuing to mention it is that colony collapse is not solved, this major, major, major blow to life on earth is not solved. It isn't something to get lost in this apocalypse.
Maybe you want to go petition against human experimentation, giving at least the appearance of grievance.... Just sayin'.
And, finally—at least for this very moment—this is what set me off on my revery this morning, making me ignore the tubes on my indian.
I'm going to post the new image above this soon, and at some point later will add words to it. That's the warning for the feed readers out there, in case they care.
Sad day with Helen leaving, softball questions from here on out. I bet every living president is cheering the news. The last reporter with BALLS to ask the real questions.