I just went to some trouble to attempt to straighten a jumble of videos of an interview with Tom Bearden about "applied scalar technology". I don't know for certain that these are in the right order, as advertised, because I haven't listened to it yet. He sounds like a real maniac, but he's one of the guys who purports to know his stuff on this better physics and I'm tired of waiting for the other guy who grounds it in history and speaks in more reassuringly-modulated cadences. So... in furtherance of my eventual PhD in Space Lizardry, this is my offering to the buddhas of Outer Blogistan.
I know some of you kind of enjoy ruminating on this stuff, so I bother to post it in case yer interested, even before I've listened at least half the time, because I wanna flop out and listen and am too drowsy to post it after then... and you not only get up earlier than I do, but some of you are hours ahead of me... maybe even most of a day ahead... and maybe would enjoy beating me over the head for the goofy things I find to drag you through before I even know what hit me....
I'm gonna switch this puppy on in a minute or two and hope it's not so awful I have to get back up and warn you off it... OR you could just do the thought experiment of listening to this guy to see what you can see, get yer PhD with me....
Oh, oh, some people insist this technology brought down the Trade Center towers, and caused some of the recent earthquakes, and the blue spiral over Norway, and other apparitions in the sky. Plus, some people are insisting that this technology could seal up the Gulf Blowout in an instant, that "we" have this technology and the fuckers should use it for good. I'm not prepared to go that far, but I am pretty sure that somewhere in here is REAL stuff that is purposely withheld. It has been said by some that they keep it secret because mankind could do too much damage with it, despite all the good it would do, and by others that Nazis developed it and took over NASA to help insure our science went the other direction, and now they're all in outer space with these directed energy death beams.
Basically, Space Nazis fighting the Space Lizards... and we might not even know which side we should be on.
Just sayin'. Imaginations run wild in times like ours. I figure my PhD might at least turn me into a bestselling SciFi author.
The Adventures of Agent 99 Across the Ten Times....
[Looooong break for sleep....]
Oh, well, now, turns out Bearden speaks just fine when he's not doing a lecture and trying to sound cute. I heard a couple clips of him talking to a big audience before I put this together—talking about the applications of this physics as the title of this one implied—and it was both worrying and encouraging... so I ended up running all over to string together this little discussion. He's not being cute with his hokey old Southernisms in this. He's rattatattatting right along here. I think he does a fine job of sounding lucid here. If I were a little clearer on the terminology of electrodynamics I could endorse it 100% because he whales on the scientific establishment as regards The Scientific Method and those NOT paying ANY attention to it... except insofar as it serves self-service... serves sophistry... to invoke it.
If you've listened to these guys here and don't get why I say this, try a clip of Richard Dawkins for a minute or two. That ought to give you the picture right away. He's one of the worst Scientific Methodists in the public eye. As I know I've mentioned here before, I felt huge gratitude for his The Selfish Gene, but I think the outstanding success of that book ruined the man. I mean, I don't know for sure. He may have been an insufferable prig before he wrote that book, or the oceans of accolades from the general public for its clarity, elegance and brevity may have cemented him permanently behind the dyke that spares the rest of us from the vast waters of his hubris, but he is clearly outright incapable of discerning that he is as guilty of blind and blindingly obnoxious faith as any of the other religionists he reviles so unstintingly. I tend to think of him as one of those guys who can't even excuse himself for the restroom without invoking The Lord in the matter... to the treetops... so he has NO right going on the way he does.
I agree that upholding atheism, even vociferously, in front of certain audiences is a good thing because too many Christofascists are becoming ENTIRELY too powerful, but the bozo is JOINING them in his quest to take away their power, and listening to Tom Bearden, here, can help you with one of the prime examples of how much damage that does.
[Portentously, I clicked on a related video....]
Bearden works with Richard Hoagland, and so, you know, ya gotta be wary, but he makes good sense, so I made you another playlist despite the hardships of this action when people whose idea of continuity on YouTube is, well, very close to nonexistent. If I find a version that might show the slides he's talking about in this one, I'll come back here and replace it... but I have a feeling it's probably part of one of the DVDs Hoagland sells....
The Southernisms are pretty thick in this one.
[Unhappily noticed related videos that were not apparent in my second ordeal in playlist making here....]
This new playlist I made for you this morning has grown twice since I first posted it. It started with four videos; then went to six; and has now ended up at eight. I think I now have all that is extant from that conference on this playlist, but if not, pfeh, tough... probably. I'm not wanting to get mad at Bearden for the psychedelic disorder of his chronicler's head... but... sheesh... it's hell being me.
[A glutton for punishment or PhD, I clicked on still another related video...]
Oh, the poor jamoke has been swinging away at this for thirty or more years. Sheesh. Bless the tubes, I guess. In this third playlist, we hear him on the radio back in the 1980s. He was, at the time, postulating that the Soviets were perpetrating scalar weather modifications on us. It has since been adjudged that the Nazis were working on this, the Nazi Bell, during WWII, and that they simply moved their operations to South America when the war was going to be lost. Still, there's a lot to be learned in here, and further reminders that Nicola Tesla, who is responsible for our ability to have most of our technology, was thoroughly buried by the powers that have been... all that crap they handed us at school about Marconi and Edison, et al.
I will see if I can bear going off to look at the world when I'm done listening to this one.
Ya know-oh... and heavy on the Christopher Walken there, I'm beginning to think it's a mercy they've decided to start dumbing us down instead of pumping us full of shit... except, really, now, I think, they are doing BOTH, no?
It sure looks to me as though they have succeeded... good-enough-for-government-work-wise, anyway.