
You also better read the whole thing. It's been passed in the House, and it's not going to improve in the Senate:
To provide greater efficiencies, transparency, returns, and accountability in the administration of Federal mineral and energy resources by consolidating administration of various Federal energy minerals management and leasing programs into one entity to be known as the Office of Federal Energy and Minerals Leasing of the Department of the Interior, and for other purposes.Rahall is a pig, owned and operated by Big Coal. The entirety of Congress, of the government and the media and every law enforcement body in the country—going global—is owned by trillionaires who do not give a fuck about you, or our home. So you better read every word and you better not let any slippery legalese get by you.
I'm going to be doing that when I get back from the "doctor" this afternoon, and I'm pissed as hell I'm out of toner. I won't be able to print it out and REALLY nail every last clause and every last comma.
love, 99
Oh sure I trust them after all they are from the govt. what not to trust?
ReplyDeleteCheck the rock formation on the right it looks like a human that looking out to sea. Maybe they’re waiting for an intelligent life form to save the Mother Earth.
It looks like a buddha! I guess that's why I'm partial to the image....
ReplyDeleteThe next step will be to declare Federal mineral and energy resources vital to national security and let HomSec take over the Interior Dept.
ReplyDeleteDHS already just duplicates whatever agencies there are extant anyway... probably don't need no stinkin' declarations either. I think they may be the hub of the "black government" as it is. The rest being just for show.
ReplyDeleteI'm not kidding.
And I ain't no conspiracy nut either.
You need toner!
ReplyDeleteTrying to read that thing is a nightmare with things popping up all over the place and paragraphs flashing yellow when you mouse over them!
I know. I got a monster headache at the clinic and can't deal with it just yet. I'm going to use that Readability browser add-on gig Joelly turned us onto a while back... and hope it works on that. A new toner cartridge will run me over a hunnert bucks I think and I gotta PLAN for those kind of expenditures.
ReplyDeleteIt's somewhere in my sidebar if you didn't get it when I was raving about it before.
ReplyDeleteI was faced with the toner dilemma myself - $85 for a toner cartridge for a printer that cost $69.
I found a refill kit for $29 they say is good for 4 refills. I have a Samsung printer and it was a matter of unscrewing two screws, pulling out a little cap and injecting 1/4 of the bottle of toner. Slightly messy, but not bad at all.
The kit came with a modified soldering iron for burning a hole in cartridges that don't have a fill cap. It also has a cap to fill the hole you make.
The other parts of the cartridge wear out so after time you need to replace it, but they say the first refill is as good as new and it seems to be - no flaws that I can see. By the second refill they say you may notice some degrading, but since I use that one only for text, it will probably be acceptable.
I won't let the family use the color printer - it is for my photos. If family gets on it they burn up all the ink printing web pages they throw away when they are done with them.
I have a really nice laser printer. Much cheaper per page over the long haul, but toner cartridges are really expensive.
ReplyDeleteMy Samsung is a black laser - the color one is an ink jet.