12 November 2010

crash jp morgan — buy silver

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Do it, do it now. And google "CRASH JP MORGAN BUY SILVER".

love, 99


  1. I just sold $2000.00 worth of silver at $27.66 it's down to $26.06. i HOPE IT GOES DOWN SO I CAN GUY AGAIN!

  2. Mintwith guaranteed buy back.

    I was buying when we were yonder and Al Gore was still cool. I bought @ $14 and $12, missed $10 'cause I was in Africa. Oh, yeah, Wells Fargo take your mortgage debt backed securities and Shove IT.

  3. I bet that cancer stick holder set you back a couple of ounces.

  4. Ashtray was $18... and gonna last many, many moons. Gold was at $26 an ounce last night. Believe me, it'll ONLY be an ounce because my serious case of not enough money to starve on is getting more serious by the day. I went POSTAL on the car insurance people. Am having to spread out payments on everything because not even the lower power bills in the summer lets me have enough ahead to cover even small lump sum payments on things. Don't know WHAT to do about the outrage from the DMV every year to keep the car registered. I know I can't win the lottery if I don't buy the tickets, but I can't afford that either.

  5. gold was $26...where? from who? I want some.

  6. Jesus. WHAT a braino. I meant SILVER. Sheesh.


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