29 November 2010

i'm a bit mystified by the amount of skepticism in lefties

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I understand it a little too well, on the one hand, but can't hang with it, on the other, because the FACT of the content of the "mega-leaks" cannot be ignored... except, I guess, if you never LOOKED at any of it.
The recent mega-leaks are especially jarring because of the extreme contrasts between the U.S. government’s public pretenses and real-life actions. But the standard official response is to blame the leaking messengers.
Then I tell myself to just hold my horses because most people do not have the kind of experience with monster document dumps that I do, are just immediately overwhelmed by them, throw up their psychic hands and simply discount or uphold their completely unexamined contents according to the influences they already want to trust. It's too hard.

This is intimately to do with WHY I couldn't stop crying for an entire year, even in my sleep; and had to drive to everything beautiful; couldn't stay inside a room or a house for more than a few minutes without a panic of desperation to bolt overcoming me; and appalled myself into a monastery with the realization that I in fact did wish the very most to just drive my car off a cliff and have done with it. This last was completely unacceptable, of course, and so I would always scan my sodden mental resources for an acceptable alternative and the only one I could come up with was to go rob a bank or something to get myself arrested. I tried very hard to understand THAT logic and, well, I never did go out to get myself arrested because I still can't parse it. I left the world instead, and dove into the ancient masters in a MAJOR way. This means I should not wonder about this stuff. I should know it like the back of my hand in advance, and, well, I do, but I don't HEED myself. I'm too used to the same idiocy I work so hard to help you transcend. The HABIT of it is supremely hard to break.

Nevertheless, it must be done.


Pay attention to your feelings. Anything in you down with any of this? No. Not a bit of it. Barnswoggle. READ a few of the cables. Does this disquisition bear on their contents at all? It does not. It's as lacking in veracity as any speech by Condoleezza Rice ever was.



love, 99

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