29 November 2010

if at first you don't succeed, drum louder

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I'm pretty sure China ain't letting North Korea make another move... no matter WHAT the provocation because if they force China to have to take South Korea, there ain't gonna be no North Korea left standing... or South. Fwoosh, seventy-five million people vapor. Immediately. I am living testimony that things ain't the same as they were in 1953... OR in 2009.*

Nope. Far better they keep choking us to death financially than let us start WWIII.

Everybody in their right mind knows that we might start it, but we aren't going to finish it. Nobody prosecuting this action intends any such a thing as a country, a people, coming out on top. At best, the Chinese and the Russians could go on to crow about stopping the Great American Menace, get fat and sing about killing fascists....**

* Al Jazeera, and others, are making much of this cable, implying it actually means China is happy to let Korea reunify, and that would seem lucid, on its face, but most Westerners have no idea that nothing about China, or Asia for that matter, should be taken at face value. They are never direct when indirect works so much better. And you should worry when they effusively praise your virtues. North Korea staying a focus for U.S. troops stationed in South Korea suits China extremely well. They won't give that up easily. Maybe they would assess any possible advantage to letting it go in the short term if they are assured we cannot sustain any menace there, but, well, I do not think they are in a mood to put up with our perfidies much longer. There's nothing left to gain from it.

** I could be completely naive and China's gangsters are as anxious to shave a few billion off the global population as our gangsters are, but... well, I don't think they want to do it that way. It appears to me they prefer birth control to wholesale slaughter. Damn odd how those totalitarians end up being more humane than us democrats, ain't it?


Oh. Well. Now. THIS IS PSYCHEDELIC. The chances of "a strong ROK-Japan relationship" ever developing are NIL. Nothing in all Japan is reviled more thoroughly than a Korean. Legendary for their racism, in general, NONE of it is as severe as it is toward Koreans. Even someone unfortunate enough to be half-Korean and never having set foot in either Korea—even in a Zen monastery, where things like racism are outright NOT DONE—catches it mercilessly from the Japanese. OMG!

No wonder our diplomats are such idiots! If they're getting this kind of treatment day-in and day-out, they cannot help but stay completely out of touch with reality.

I mean, no, really, this business about never being direct or genuine—at least not with mere acquaintances or in political situations—and I even suspect half the time not really with each other either—has driven me nuts from people all my life. Asians and Middle Easterners find me entertaining as hell. I hate it about them, but I know it comes from millennia of cultural conditioning and so have had to learn to endure it where I don't have the ability to get in there and sock them in the teeth over it. My decades of studying the ancients has helped immeasurably, but, dudes, please, believe me when I tell you, This Is Psychedelic.

Babes in the woods, our diplomats to the Chinese.

They won't ever know what hit them.


It occurs to me, unbelievable as it might seem, that while I know about the SCO, never invited and not allowed even to audit meetings, maybe our diplomats don't know about it... or didn't when these cables flew out of their offices.

Maybe now that Russia and China aren't using the dollar on each other anymore they're starting to get the picture.



love, 99

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