30 November 2010

my sentiments pretty much exactly

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It always makes me feel just a jot less alienated when someone comes out and says my piece for me. We think in a too American-centric way, not considering so much the effects of this information on other populations, and the newspapers are not going to be instantly reformed from their sensationalizing and propagandizing even when they finally have access to real information. Some of the journalists now have firm footing on matters they couldn't speak about before. This will be a real help to the few who are left determined to do real work. The main help is that WE have direct access to it.

Of course, this means people will be free to make of it what they want and we will see plenty of weasels making political hay out of it, but it can't be denied that thinking people now have a chance to work off actuality, off the actual crap generated by those who purport to be acting in our interest. It's a real way for very smart people to find real ways to strike at the heart of the fascist conspirators operating our officials and diplomats.

love, 99


  1. A couple of years ago I was listening to KVMR in my truck when an interview with Ellsberg came on. It might have been on Democracy Now but I'm not sure.

    I ended up sitting in front of my house for over a half hour waiting for the interview to end.

    Wonderful man!

  2. Indeed he is, and I'm REALLY glad someone with his sense and courage is out there swinging on behalf of Julian Assange. Also Rafael Correa's solidarity is deeply encouraging to my heart. I'm QUAKING with rage over the filthy jackasses dissing him on the blogs.

  3. newspapers are not going to be instantly reformed from their sensationalizing and propagandizing

    Newspaper is easy to fix. Don't buy one.

    However when We
    Add Commercial Broadcast Television
    Add Commercial Radio
    They're pumping it up right now, full on propaganda, only to be chopped up by annoying commercials segments, and time wasting utterly stupid nauseating stuff that doesn't matter to anyone unless they only have ONE NEURON.

    Thank the FCC, These media KNOW they can get away with it (this IS an important part of their power), all they got to do is FOLLOW the government program and they have no FEAR of the FCC. (I learned this nugget of truth, and said this here a couple days ago--I really didn't know until I got into it with a certain journalist (sic) but it's REALLY important.)

    When you consider Alex Jones figured out that popularity and trends FORCE them to cover things. And then a day or two later google is screwing with AJ..

    Then again, why Asenge is the target instead of Bradly, or the OATH breakers? Hey if I hacked your credit card, passwords, read your email, your banks, everything about you, and you learned this, would you still be my friend? No?

    Hillary ought to be dishonorably TOSSED out!

    And that ****er Eric Holder ought to be dishonorably TOSSED out for not going after the banksters already. No no no He's got to go after pot and xbox hackers

    Now the govt is going to make cuts, but still the banks haven't had not one cut.


  4. Hell even the videos from the bands I stuff my show with are more aware than the *****ng media.


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