30 November 2010

this mighta been a way i could really help

[click image, my goose has turned into a doper]


Except there is no bus service here for me to go offer people who don't want to be frisked a ride.

love, 99


  1. That's what happens when you let the goose out in the Mendocino forest!

  2. I have a loose goose. My goose is loose.

  3. Have you heard of a single threat stopped by this over the top surveillance anywhere?

    I can't think of any...

    There have been evacuations over stupid things such as battery chargers, snowglobes, clocks and even a friggin cookie, but any real threats?

  4. Now that goose will eat you out of house and home!

  5. This is precisely how the Nazis domesticated any who would otherwise have stood up to object. IT DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH TERROR THREATS.

  6. We've had an interesting thing going down in South Sacramento (I guess all day long, maybe still right now?)

    Someone got shot at a school.

    So they've clamped down this neighborhood. (I guess all day long, maybe still right now?)

    They said they were searching two houses, but it wasn't clear since they were "focused on one house."

    I didn't hear nothing about warrants, I wonder though how many houses can they breech without a warrant when pursuing a suspect. (I should say maybe pursuing, since that wasn't clear either.)

    One house, one Shooter = all day affair = corporate media feeding frenzy with helicopters and cometary.

    I used to work at greyhound, if someone wanted to take out a bus, all that TSA crap wouldn't matter one bit.

    Call greyhound and tell them to get the *****ng TSA out, or you'll never buy a ticket again.

    And who are these retards the corporate media always interviews? God damn, if the corporate media came up on me like that, I would at least hit them with a reverse question answer. e.g. Why aren't you lazy asses, shining a light on the banksters yet? Or the oath breaking by our officials.. Something.. But na , the answer is always the same, "Oh yeah I feel so much safer knowing my bus won't blow up"

    Christ, no follow up either, Oh you feel safer huh? When was the last time a terrorist blew up a a god damn greyhound bus in the USA?


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