30 November 2010

obsession makes you feeble-minded

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It pains me that Old Uncle Dave has been all but completely forced off the tubes due to the death of his antiquated machine. His resort to an even older but still semi-living machine makes it so he pretty much can only operate on his email, get his news via his subscriptions, unable to really go to the links purporting to support what he gets. A little while ago he sent me links to a number of blogs, all bashing the snot out of Julian Assange for his "obvious Israel bias". They are claiming, as Gordon Duff and Michael Rivero seem to be bidding them claim, that the latest release from WikiLeaks proves this.

No. You morons. If it "proves" anything related to a bias toward Israel, it would be a STATE DEPARTMENT bias in their favor, and so they should be lauding Assange to the skies for having gotten the information in front of us. I am just about barfing from the idiocy on display as a consequence of this release. And it is SICKENING that those who would defend Palestine, if they had any courage, are screaming this FEEBLE-MINDED accusation across all Blogistan.

Jesus. You stupid fucks.


Do you think Assange COMPOSED them? HOW could over a quarter of a million UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE documents constitute proof of Julian Assange's perfidious political/ethnic biases? One might doubt the provenance of so much juicy information, but there can be no "proof" or even EVIDENCE of such to be gotten from the leak itself. Any information or lack thereof contained in it can ONLY provide evidence of the STATE DEPARTMENT'S actions and intensions and biases.


I am flaming angry and my mangled finger hurts like crazy. It is interfering mightily with my ability to type, my ability to express my ire and my exasperation fully enough to you.




love, 99


  1. Well my first cobalt Raq4 arrived. I find in the back of my mind I am asking myself, do I really want to spend so much time on my infrastructure and security, when the web is becoming such a hostile place due to government retardedness? Or should I be thinking the opposite.. unplug, no more ISP bill, no Domain bill, no hosting bill, no spying, no snooping, no virus's.

    It's a real dilemma


  2. Old Uncle Dave should avoid this. (actually all of us should remind each other every three months)



  3. It CERTAINLY is becoming a hostile place! I can't even bear this particular ordeal. I can't GET to these people to bludgeon them for being such dangerous envious partisan blockheads. I am on the point of packing it in and moving to a cave in China. All these supposedly virtuous progressives are SCARY SCARY SCARY stupid and hypocritical when the chips are down. No. Really. I'm extremely upset about this.

  4. Can't get enough?


  5. The lines have blurred as to what a progressive is, what a tea party is. I am more concerned with the laws coming out of people who just swore an oath, this keeps it real for me. If you swear that oath, then two seconds later make it so Americans can't grow their own garden.

    We aren't American's anymore, we are American'ts
    (not sure where to put tat apostrophe)

    I'm tired.. back when I wake.



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