01 December 2010

it ought to be a good thing, but that would be too lucid

[click image]


They're wearing us down... just when we need our strength the most.




And, loosely related.... I think somebody's pulling a prank on incoming and former Governor Moonbeam. Last time his tenure was dogged by pesticide hassles. I just don't think it's a coincidence. It's a taunt.

love, 99


  1. Um.. Not to state the obvious, but since the bill was unconstitutional (without repercussions) it went back to the house cause oath breakers are retards.

    Your BENEFIT, if any, is that you can now (for a short time) pound the fuck out of any remaining oath breakers in the house.

    And the address to do that is . . . fuck

    Okay Great


  2. http://sacxtra.com/water.meters.greenhaven.sacramento.2010/WATER2/PICT0021.JPG Remember this?

  3. I mean safe food would be beneficial.


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