29 November 2010

the power of hubris

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It is a particular fascination—akin to being pinned to the floor by a spectacularly grisly horror movie—to me, the power over humanity exerted by naked hubris alone. Gordon Duff. Prince Andrew. Brad. Anyone. Anyone at all. Are you a jackass? No worries. Just brazen it out as though you are impeccable, and throw in all kine patronizing tone, and you are still a jackass but nobody can tell anymore.

Same goes for the conviction of the masses that paying for diplomats and officials to fly off to everywhere in the world to make it safe for exploitation by billionaires is government's role. Hardly anybody expects it to function for our welfare anymore, but if it's ever mentioned, something that boils down to what's-good-for-billionaires-is-good-for-you is what ensues. No, no, if these guys can't generate the movement of trillions, the whole world falls down. Well, but, but, the whole world is falling down and they are moving the trillions like mad. No, no, slaughtering and starving millions to keep KBR flush is vital to you being able to buy a loaf of bread. Well, but, but, I can't buy a loaf of bread! Nonsense! You could buy one if you'd contribute, but, no, you want to just hang back, a useless eater, and bitch about your government not feeding you. Your government is at it 24/7/365 making sure this mechanism is well-oiled and you gripe about taxes and fees and more ketchup on your cheeseburger than cheese or burger. Be grateful you get ketchup, you unwashed rat.



love, 99

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