29 November 2010

in my ongoing effort to suggest what to DO about this mess

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I feel here is a third way, after either fighting them mano-a-mano or simply changing your mind and not standing for their fascism.
Simon Black, better known as Sovereign Man, presents some disturbing thoughts which are sure to get the broader spirits elevated. Instead of continuing to fight what some see as a losing ideological battle with a government which no longer even remotely represents the broader population's interests, Black says simply to walk away: "When you think about it, what we call a 'country' is nothing more than a large concentration of people who share common values. Over time, those values adjust and evolve. Today, cultures in many countries value things like fake security, subordination, and ignorance over freedom, independence, and awareness. When it appears more and more each day that those common values diverge from your own, all that's left of a country are irrelevant, invisible lines on a map. I don't find these worth fighting for...The government beast in your home country feeds on debt and taxes, and the best way to win is for bright, productive people to move away with their ideas, labor, and assets. This effectively starves the beast and accelerates its collapse. Then, when the smoke clears, you can move back and help rebuild a free society." Perhaps Black is right and this is the best, and possibly only, non-violent way to fight the political-financial plutocracy?
I mean, they all have their drawbacks, of course, or we'd've done one or all of them by now. We're not used to having to make uncomfortable choices, to having to leave off our mesmerism with our jobs and families and friends to really PAY anything for our freedom... which is goofy as hell, because we are paying vastly more by clinging to these things than we ever would by cutting ourselves from the herd and beating paths others could follow. That's the hell of it! Courses of action are barred forever by FALSE notions pounded into us from every direction our whole lives. Who stops to think of the lethal entrapment in full force and effect inside EACH of our heads alone?

You should. Freedom isn't free. It isn't easy. You're a grownup. It's your responsibility.

love, 99


  1. It's going to be a bitch to get the bus to Cuba.

    I've done it with my money, why not the rest?

  2. I'm moving to Ecuador. Going to be pretty scary getting through Mexico, but maybe I can find a ferry that will float me down there.


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