29 November 2010

there are jews in gordon duff's breakfast cereal

[click image or go to Phil's version HERE]


They've bugged his pants. They control everything but his website. He should be a NOVELIST, okay? He'd make more money and do more good. You would not believe how many times that guy's CRAP has entered into my attention stream since the latest Wikileaks release... whut? Not even 24 hours yet? And I now feel compelled to point out AGAIN that maybe the biggest travesty of all the lying and other forms of deceit from our government is that bent minds then can flourish. And Duff's got the perfect gig. What perfidy would we find beneath Israel these days? I can't think of one. And neither can you. So he can make shit up and "support" it with nothing but gales of hyperbole from his barrel chest, and people will think maybe he's got an inside track. He's really good at yanking on your moral indignation and decimated sense of citizenship to put shit over on you that should have been flushed before it left his house.

Please. All you have to do is take assertions from him at random and start googling them. If you can find ANY support for them, it is unerringly MUCH less authoritative than he made it out to be, but mostly there is NO support for it because HE'S JUST MAKING IT UP. Capisce?

I was finally forced, by dint of so many friends asking about or mentioning it, to read his latest hit piece on Wikileaks. It's psychedelic. It's beyond the pale. Has it crossed his mind that Julian Assange has not been arrested because he hasn't broken the law and too many big names in publishing WANT what they can only get this way and too many people in the government WANT the information out but won't put it out any other way? Have ANY of these things crossed his pickled synapses? No.

The same can be said of others envious and/or suspicious of the swath Assange has cut through the unbound galaxies of pusillanimity that rule Western "Civilization", but Duff may just take the cake. It seems he's looking for cables in this dump that put Israel in any kind of bad light, a lack thereof constituting proof that Wikileaks is an instrument of Zionism to discredit our sterling president and further the cause of a planetary Zion... or something... since ALL perfidies involve Israel or its supporters. He blathers about how there isn't a scrap of dirt on Israel but loads of filth heaped on Pakistan in previous leaks. Doesn't slow to consider that maybe there wouldn't BE anything about Israel in a quadrillion incident reports from the Iraq and Af-Pak wars. Nor does he slow to consider that no diplomat in their right mind would be caught dead leaving evidence of a partially negative feeling about Israel or they'd be out on their asses before they could draw another paycheck. Sheesh.

He acts as though he's been through every scrap of all the Wikileaks releases, when you KNOW he's not sober long enough to get through even a tenth of it, and as though he's been through all of THIS one, when only 1% of it is out for the public thus far. Oh, I know, I know, one of his high level connections told him all about it. Right.

Anyway, I'm tired and don't want to talk about this asshole, but something snapped. He seems to have too much influence in my circles and THAT freaks me out. Truly, truly now, you MUST learn not to let what you already think influence you so much when you encounter new information, because if it rings enough of your chimes, like further besmirching the already thoroughly self-besmirched Israel we all want to move to the South Pole, and tickling the paranoia from all the lies and offenses to the Constitution and war crimes and corruption and openly fascist privileges for the perpetrators of these, well, you can fall into a very, very, very deep hole and never climb back out. Kinda like the one we're in.

I must reiterate that, no, I have no way of knowing for 100% certain that something is not hinky with Wikileaks, but, yes, I have really good reason to believe that some seriously heavy hitters in journalism, ones we still respect, have helped bring Wikileaks to the fore. I suppose it could be an elaborate ruse to trick them into thinking they are still real journalists, help keep the veneer of a functioning press, but as long as all these frustrated novelists are thinking up such wild things, why aren't any of them postulating that forces for good are trying to establish themselves? Do we think absolutely EVERYONE in government is a satanic shape-shifting space lizard? Does it never cross your mind that there might be some who didn't sign on for this and want to do what they can to fix it?

And I still say that even if it's all a monster hoax, it STILL does not distract from the BEAUTY of even the fiction of such an entity operating in this world. Are you NUTS? Just the THOUGHT of it can turn millions of young people.

Please. PLEASE. I spend endless hours finding you things to help you unlock your mental prisons. I show you how I open my head not to be used by the polemicists. I give up people and sites I'd far rather just enjoy so you can SEE that I'm not just hot air on these things. DON'T let that bellicose maniac poison you back up now. Okay?


Don't spoze this counts?

¶4. (S) GOI officials have given different timelines for when
they believe Iran will have full enrichment capability. In
February, PM Sharon told the Secretary that he believes there
is still time remaining to pressure Iran, but that the window
of opportunity is closing quickly. DefMin Mofaz cautioned
that Iran is "less than one year away," while the head of
research in military intelligence estimated that Iran would
reach this point by early 2007. Technical experts at the
IAEC predicted that Iran would have enrichment capability
within six months of the end of the suspension agreement. A
few GOI officials admitted informally that these estimates
need to be taken with caution. The head of the MFA's
strategic affairs division recalled that GOI assessments from
1993 predicted that Iran would possess an atomic bomb by 1998
at the latest.

That, right there, puts Israel in a very bad light, from back in 2005, and makes them look the worse NOW, but I'm sure this is much too mild to suit Duff... and so's this... but I just skimmed a couple three or four cables in the ONE PERCENT of them released on the Wikileaks site so far and came up with these two mild examples.

Of course, I should remind everyone that even the worst language out of diplomats is RADICALLY mild anyway. It has driven me up a wall for my entire adult life, and so I'm not going to be supposing I'll get any relief on THAT score even if they dig up a million cables for us to read. Lavrov's efforts for Gaza are maybe as harsh as we're going to get out of any of them. These aren't private conversations or notes or inter-office memos, they're the official diplomatic reports. It's all cocktail parties and luncheons and talking points. We can see the thrust of it, but don't be expecting their hair to let down. Probably the worst of it will be the things going out to the embassies from the State Department, not the cables coming in to the State Department from the embassies.


Goddammit! I've been up all night. The sun is coming up. I'm beat. I wanna get flat and this fiendish shithead I'd tried so hard to just dismiss and ignore all day just kept raising his evil head and, even not deigning to have any kind of reaction to it in its utter unworthiness, the fact of its presence on emails and at sites I visit ended up setting me off from the back door. Sometimes the Zen lets down as you get too tired and loopy and that's when this sort of thing can rush in and ruin yer little I'm-going-to-bed-now thing.

But I have to stress to you that Duff seems so clear on the fact that there are dual-citizen moles everywhere in government, and I just can't fathom why he would suppose for an instant this would escape their coworker's notice, that they'd be apt to EVER indicate by means available to those moles anything scandalous to Israeli sensibilities. IN FACT, they'd be inclined to put out as much as they could that would stroke the Israelis, rather than irk them, because we all KNOW the penalty for irking Israel is quite severe.

In fact, for their own reasons, foreign diplomats will almost without exception try to couch everything they say to us in terms that are stroking what they perceive us to want, NOT being genuine, NOT even a little, JUST trying to move things along in a manner that keeps things as comfortable for themselves as possible while just flat out ceding the lip service to our psychopathic foreign policy imperatives. When anyone brushes up on a declarative sentence, the report expresses amazement at the candor.


We're not talking about normal people. It's something like an endless minuet surrealistically looping through slaughter and famine and the clatter of rattling sabers. Just think about it. Was Duff even asking for something that could reasonably be expected out of THESE people? I'm not going back to read it again, and I only raced over the reprehensible words, but it occurs to me that the depths of the unreasonableness of his whole position there just keep on sinking even lower the more I think about it. I do generally want to snatch at least one good point out of even really offensive stuff to remind myself that these are PEOPLE who need to be working with the rest of us for a better world, but I don't think there was even one good point in it... but maybe I'm just too tired and it'll come back to me in a dream.



love, 99


  1. (I'll stick with my version of paranoid - Sheez that Jonas Brothers thing- Oh my..)

    I have to admit I was looking for certain cables myself.

    1. The 911 linkage. Damn it Fail.

    From http://cryptome.org
    Robert Paulson sends:
    I have acquired and posted a range of State Department cables documenting the global reaction to the 9-11 attacks. Despite providing no evidence for the 9-11 Truthers, the cables are still an interesting read. From them you learn who mourned with America and who cheered on al-Qaeda and the reactions of the world's governments, both allied and antagonistic.


    2. I am also looking for anything which might identify the state department + underwear bomber, but I ain't seeing nothing there either.

    I guess the best we can hope for is Maybe Maybe if we get lucky some official will get popped for breaking their Oath Of Office which might start a chain reaction of oath breaker dominoes.

    Oh well, It's the worst day since yesterday.


    99 Said, "Please. PLEASE. I spend endless hours finding you things to help you unlock your mental prisons. I show you how I open my head not to be used by the polemicists. I give up people and sites I'd far rather just enjoy so you can SEE that I'm not just hot air on these things. DON'T let that bellicose maniac poison you back up now. Okay?"

    I do appreciate the links you post. Fuck all if I every have the time to dig so much up. On the other hand it can be overwhelming. I dug up some really nasty stuff yesterday, it had the whole house screaming and arguing, yet I was only watching it LOOKING for secrets from the LIES.

    Anyway, I know you all got to be burnt out on 24/7/365 bad news too.

    There's so much bad legislation and crap we might as well make a wheel and spin it and pick some random oath breaking shit to pick apart. Or write all the crap on little slips of paper and have random drawing for the Fuck-ups of the day.

    I already am hearing the wikileaks thing starting new fascist brush fires. I got My favorite journalist (sic) talking about how if the state dept can't protect their networks how are we..bla bla bla going into a fucking rant about firewalls and software talking to people like their idiots. Perhaps we should snoop Every packet deep. bla bla bla.

    We knew the State Department was going to condemn it.

    Then we have the leaks going to corporate media which frankly I don't trust (the media part), You can be sure those fuckers will only let the stupid shit fly out. Sorry for all the cussing I didn't get my 2-4am sleep again, it's only 5:30AM and I'm already pissed.

    Of course http://wikileaks.com now points to GoDaddy (thanks to the continued US control of ICANN against many's wishes) We'd be needing to revert to typing IP numbers, if it were not for the few scraps we are tossed from the fascist corporate media sources.

    Of course The whole N Korea / S Korea / China /US thing is a fucking DMZ nightmare. All while the banksters (not one of those fuckers who really count) is in a fucking jail yet.

    TSA / DHS/ Body scanners / Radiation / Napalatono / Pistole

    http://cryptome.org/0002/tsa-body-spy.zip (11 MB) This document is 11 fucking MEGS!

    You know what, just let me through the metal detector, if you really have a problem I will happily strip, spread my cheeks, and lift my fucking dong. Cocksuckers.

  2. I keep getting this ERROR

    Request-URI Too Large

    The requested URL /2010/11/there-are-jews-in-gordon-duffs.html... is too large to process.

    When I post

  3. Oh well. Another shitty day where everything I just vented was lost.

  4. Oh, no, they threw it in the spam filter.... That just HAPPENS sometimes without my consent... I only figure it out when I can't find on the post what came in the notification email and then have to go find it to let it through. They usually ONLY do it when someone will seriously misunderstand the failure of their comment to post..... :-E

  5. Fine I'll try again

    1. I like the Phil's version of paranoid.
    2. I appreciate you posting and digging up stuff 99.
    3. My favorite journalist asshat is at it again this morning. This time with delusions of network security and wikileaks and of course the fascist solutions to the fascist created problem
    4. I was digging for cables. I was hoping to find 911 cables.

    From Cryptome.org
    Robert Paulson sends:

    I have acquired and posted a range of State Department cables documenting the global reaction to the 9-11 attacks. Despite providing no evidence for the 9-11 Truthers, the cables are still an interesting read. From them you learn who mourned with America andwho cheered on al-Qaeda and the reactions of the world's governments, both allied and antagonistic.

    Oh fudge...

    I was hoping for a state department / underwear bomber cable. Fudge..

    Oh course I can probably help myself to some healthy worry about the n/s Korea /china / US situation.

    Today is The worst day since yesterday (this time I am backing up my fuckin post)

  6. Patience, dude. There are only 243 of a quarter million cables released so far. It's gonna take weeks and who KNOWS what kind of stuff will pop up! Plus, all the newspapers aren't going to want the stuff they haven't published yet out before they break it.

  7. There is little chance any of the newspapers will write about cables that interest us most and so that means those will be later yet... if they're there at all.

    I mean, they're STATE DEPARTMENT diplomatic cables, not confessions. Even the really damning ones are going to be couched in diplomatese, NOT getting down to hard FACTS, just talking about what everyone SAYS. I do HOPE there's some meat and potatoes intel-reporting in some of the cables, but the vast majority are just going to be reports of meetings with officials, either here or abroad and there may well be precious little beside the exposure of our piggy machinations in this whole mess.

  8. I guess after watching the constitution go from static to intermittent over the past decade, I am in a slight hurry.


  9. It's sputterin' pretty fuckin' badly these days, that's for sure.

  10. I dont know, Im suspicious of wikileaks too. Its to easy to convince everyone of its authenticity. People treat it as the gospel and all they have to do is "leak" propaganda.

  11. I don't like the heavy emphasis on Arab nations wanting Iran stopped in the reporting and I don't think Ahmadinejad does either.

    This could be because that's the message the war pigs want us to get or because that's the placation the Arabs wanted to give.

    The release by both the press and by Wikileaks is going to be coming out over the course of weeks. While I can see how this release can be propagandistic either in form or in content, I fail to see how the previous ones can be construed as such. The video of Iraqi journalists being slaughtered was NOT good PR... nor were the incident reports, except insofar as those doing the reporting were mostly concerned with making us look less guilty, and that is what you would EXPECT.

    Maybe they err on the side of people being able to SEE.

    They will find out.

  12. It will be interesting indeed to see which way this flows.

  13. "The video of Iraqi journalists being slaughtered was NOT good PR"

    True, and Im not suggesting its all or nothing. Good propaganda mixes truth with lies. Maybe they released things they knew would hurt but that they could get past and then they start throwing the zingers in that are really important to their agenda. And who is this they...I dont know, Im just skeptical thats all.

  14. Yuh, people aren't going to fall for the old hero really being a perv ploy but so sewing other suspicions, working much harder, isn't as easy to see through.

    And this is what I mean about all the lies and offenses to decency rendering us incapable of discerning up from down, from knowing what's right or good well enough to be able to uphold it.

  15. rendering us incapable of discerning

    That of course has been their objective all along...

  16. BINGO.

    I am much consoled that Correa has offered Assange asylum.


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