17 January 2011

for the content of his character

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All weekend I have been fuming about the travesty of the Obama Administration while the glow of quite possibly the greatest American hero of all time has not faded from our hearts. When I fume, I can't speak. I have avoided listening to Martin in honor of his birthday or his holiday because it makes me cry and cry and cry. Never fails. You almost can't say the word "dream" around me at any time of year without me going all verklempt. It's been that way since they killed him. But maybe you want to listen.

love, 99


  1. I heard ANOTHER unnamed source in the pentagon say's he's NOT for the wars. And I ain't dreamin.

  2. I'm sure at least half the people in the Pentagon are not for the wars, or the empire, but they want the paycheck more than they want that shit to stop. One of the things I love about Martin is that he came right out and told people that they had to risk their jobs to get out and stop the beast. There has been extra-heavy sleeping powder poured on us ever since. They have been trumpeting shit about family being the ABSOLUTE priority, that yer shit if you risk the paycheck to get out and be a protesting hippie. We got to the point where we had to schedule protests on weekends to get anyone to appear.

    JUSTICE has never been won by fuckers who put anything in front of fighting for it. Every person who has ever gone out to fight for right has had EVERYTHING to lose. People USED to think it was sometimes more important to fight for it because it wasn't doing their families a kindness to keep them fed and housed inside a tyranny, but people do NOT think that way now. They think of their own asses and when they get too steamed and it's threatening to make them act out, they rush over to some blog or to Facebook or Twitter and VENT until they're calm enough not to risk themselves again. If that hasn't worked, they switch on Jon Stewart or some sports spectacle and eat a lot of ice cream.

  3. I was being sarcastic, (also on raw) . I thought you caught that?


  4. it's pentagon propaganda. bottom line, anyone with blood in their veins ought to just sense this is the truth. ~p

  5. Well, yes, I knew that. And, yes, anyone would know that. I was just riffing off the notion of half the Pentagon being against the wars....


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