Ravens scare the piss out of bluejays. If you are blessed with one or some, you cease being aggravated to death by bluejays. Ravens are the herald of serenity.
Watch the Nature documentary. See energy company workers in battling crows in Tokyo, and many other splendid and upsetting things.
love, 99
Fascinating documentary about crows.
Thanks. The player is not wanting to do anything but buffer just now, but I am avid to see it. There's a link on the sidebar to the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteEvil boding per Carlos Castaneda!
ReplyDeleteHope it plays OK. I watched it a while back when it was on TV; it blew me away.
ReplyDeleteHere's how cool crows are. :)
The crows and magpies are making a comeback after nearly being wiped out by the West Nile Virus when it first appeared here.
ReplyDeleteThe crows grab pecans from the tree across the street from me and when a car comes along they fly up and drop the pecans in the street in front of the car then swoop down after the car passes to get the freshly cracked nuts.
Carlos - Too much datura inoxia!
ReplyDeleteThey seriously, seriously rock. Little-known fact: some ravens have home territory and some travel in murders. The home ravens chase off the murders when they come to pillage. You want home ravens! They are way fun to talk with, LOVE whatever meal scraps you put out for them, keep the mother fucking jays from scrabbling and screeching on your roof at dawn, and stand by you when you are heartbroken.
ReplyDeleteI'm in raven country. You know they live 75 years, or more.
ReplyDeleteEver raised turkeys? I'm about to get Narragansett turkeys.
ReplyDeleteI like wild turkeys... and Wild Turkey. Only raised ducks and geese. And hang out with ravens.
ReplyDeleteJust finished watching the Nature documentary. I think people don't start referring to them as ravens until they get to a certain size. Most of my experience has been with the very big ones. Although, we used to have a crow who visited our yard often who had learned to say "mama". That was pretty cool. The crows outwitting the power company guys in Tokyo was pretty funny... even as the crows and the power company guys in Tokyo are probably getting darn sick about now....
ReplyDeleteA neighbor about 2 blocks away has a large yard with lots of trees forming a canopy and other shrubs. They have a number of chickens and two wild turkeys that seem to have become permanent residents with two more that recently showed up. One hen and three toms. Since they first showed up several years ago we have made it a game to gobble at them when we drive by. The toms will spread their tails and gobble back at us. It got to the point where all they had to do is see my daughter Meg drive by and they would start gobbling. Totally crack us up!
ReplyDeleteThere were times when they would be in my two-mile long driveway and start running for all they were worth ahead of me, not thinking to move off to the sides. I'd be laughing and cursing at about half a mile an hour. The toms puffing up and gobbling just had me rolling in the grass in stitches many's the time. I miss my little hunk of heaven something fearsome.