They're dumping BUBBLE BATH on a nuclear meltdown, okay?
4am the next morning....
Please forgive me checking out on you for the most of the afternoon and all of the night, but between a number of creepy things happening in the background of this sector of Outer Blogistan, my general dissatisfaction with the content of communicating on the tubes, my Plutonian sleep "cycles", the need to get my ass in for more antibiotics to hold me over until my root canal appointment, and the general draggitude and pain of this tooth thing demanding I get some serious sleep under my belt, I just had to drop off the radar.
Thank you, all, for leaving me a bunch of links. That is one great aspect of blogging, when your friends come by with stuff to contribute. I wish more of you had the time or the interest to talk outside this crap we are forced to call the zeitgeist, but that actually is the story of my life.
Speaking of which, I just made a couple new playlists of Michael Tsarion stuff from which anyone might benefit—mind control and tarot—particularly the discussions about how your consciousness is manipulated by people who look at you as though you were no more significant than livestock, but I keep wanting to hear him on tarot and numerology because I think these are wuwu, the affectations of bliss ninnies, and it has been made apparent to me that he does not mean by these things anything like I've been indoctrinated to view them. So I am working on dropping my mental conditioning to eventually come to know what he means by that. He's obviously serious as a heart attack and has proven to me his level of insight, so it's worth it to me to make a real attempt to understand it. Again, one must approach this sort of thing very carefully. One must DROP what one already thinks for the duration of one's listening and give it a special sort of attention I have been calling "thought experimenting". If you can't do that, it's useless to waste your time on him... or, for that matter, me.
And, then, while I was about it, I put it together for you to listen about HAARP, should you be so inclined.
Anyway, the creepy stuff is making me seriously consider moving this show to an entirely new blog, again. This time it might really happen. I'll think about it some more.
love, 99
It seems they've already done the cows, so why not the weather?
ReplyDeleteI want the evil nitwits to genetically modify my TOOTH... and THEN some new eyes... and THEN we can talk about the rest of it. Maybe I'll spare them the airlift to Daiichi....
ReplyDeleteWhat would Christo do?
ReplyDeleteWhat would Christo do?
ReplyDeleteWrap it and cover the island with umbrellas!
OTG, I can't articulate precisely enough how much I revile that pile of shit and his texting and tweeting and genocidal self-regard. If my mind were in charge, he'd have evaporated, literally, before your very eyes, right along with a number of other sub-human excuses for "leaders".
ReplyDeleteOUD, I saw that, but in a context where the idea had already been nixed. Now maybe it hasn't been, or they're rethinking it, because it's becoming clearer by the day they are DETERMINED to do anything and everything that does NOT involve mitigating the disaster, until, like with all the other apocalyptic catastrophes, we're just too tired or dead to bitch about it anymore.... Because they know, and WE should by now, too, we are under NO circumstances going to DO anything about it.
BB2, umbrellas! Perfect.
Lead umbrellas!
ReplyDeleteI had an image of pristine white ones....