19 June 2007

oh, i gotta think of pretty things

I'd been remembering things, crucial things, things the crushing news in the world had buried, beautiful living things consigned to a deeply hidden limbo while the hurts mounded up over them, almost never to be known again. Led Zeppelin had me exhuming jewels, riches much more powerful against the evil tide than money.

It's official now. You say any variation on Screw the Constitution and I go blind with rage. It's because of all the people who went willingly to their deaths for it. They are what makes me so upset about so much else, but somehow my response is so much wilder when someone plays with the Constitution. It isn't the document that is sacred, per se; it's the humans just like you who gave up everything you won't for our well-being. Not what sent them to their deaths, what used their love. The real humans who wanted to live, who wanted to see their lovers again, who wanted to raise their children, who gave all that up so that you might never have to. You won't let yourself be skewered by the truth of that. You will slide around on the iced lake of conceptualization till the absolute and irrefutable truth of it can't mirror you so shamefully. You can say crass things now because they died to insure it... not even expecting you to have the decency to desist in their honor. No, you, unless you're a total jerk, mouth platitudes of gratitude for them and then keep on pissing on their graves.

So I'm going back now to that crucial recovery of important things I hope I've remembered in time.

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