01 March 2011


[click image]


Better luck next time.

love, 99


  1. Please don't degrade that poor rattie with this crap!

  2. Yer right, of course, and I was going to post this really heinous image of rats, but not even I could take that at this point....

  3. If we get that go-cart fired up and shoot off to Madison I'll take on a tour of my favorite stomping ground there.

    Map: http://uwarboretum.org/about/arb_map.pdf

    Then we can stop by Doug's and we'll show you the cave.

  4. Just when my friends had talked me out of risking life and limb in the weather and not going into crushing debt to get there, you come in with other temptations beside outright hotheaded rejection of another minute of this shit!

    It's HELL being me.

  5. No, no. We may yet have to throw all caution to the wind and get our asses there to save the world from that rat bastard who seems to have lost his comfortable shoes... and his Republican-Fascist cohorts....


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